Best European Beer Festival going solo

Reads 1350 • Replies 4 • Started Thursday, September 21, 2017 8:18:22 AM CT

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beers 7648 º places 367 º 08:18 Thu 9/21/2017

Hi guys!!
This year (2017) I had the opportunity of going to CBC and it was an amazing experience. Now, I was wondering if this festival could be the best festival for going solo in Europe.

Pros of CBC: Lots of activities and tap-takeovers all around Copenhagen. The city, Copenhagen is maybe the best for pub-crawl in Europe. The festival itself, lot of beers that are not available in Europe frequently. 4 sessions and lot of brews per session.

Cons of CBC: Price of each session (plus Copenhagen is not a cheap city). Only 4 hours per session.

What about other festivals like Borefts, Beavertown Extravaganzza, Moscow beer fest, Amsterdam carnivale bretta, Eurhop...Any other??? Experiences and thoughts??? :)


beers 30352 º places 400 º 09:38 Thu 9/21/2017

Originally posted by Taboada
Hi guys!!
This year (2017) I had the opportunity of going to CBC and it was an amazing experience. Now, I was wondering if this festival could be the best festival for going solo in Europe.

Pros of CBC: Lots of activities and tap-takeovers all around Copenhagen. The city, Copenhagen is maybe the best for pub-crawl in Europe. The festival itself, lot of beers that are not available in Europe frequently. 4 sessions and lot of brews per session.

Cons of CBC: Price of each session (plus Copenhagen is not a cheap city). Only 4 hours per session.

What about other festivals like Borefts, Beavertown Extravaganzza, Moscow beer fest, Amsterdam carnivale bretta, Eurhop...Any other??? Experiences and thoughts??? :)


Have to agree with your "Pros" on Copenhagen, CBC/MBCC has got even better since it was relocated to Vesterbro 2 years ago, with its close proximity to Warpigs/Mikkeller/Fermentoren and many other bars/bottleshops etc - for anyone who has not been the last 2 years to the new venue its well worth a visit, like you say lots going on in the bars in town that week (although yes can feel expensive depending on where you are visiting from) Another pro is that generally during the 4 sessions it will be 50ml pours, which is surely more "solo" friendly than some other fests.

Saying that I have really enjoyed Borefts/GBBF/Beavertown Extravaganzza recently, and with the latter you have a great brewery crawl through Bermondsey before getting to the event on Saturday if you wanted a early start, although going solo you might get pretty boosted before the main event :D

beers 13494 º places 1321 º 10:41 Thu 9/21/2017

Depends on what are you after. In my opinion CBC is the best quality and number wise. At CBC you don't have time for chat and there are almost no lines so you don't need a wingman.

Borefts and Alvinne are similar, more relaxed, more time (and more queues at Borefts), plenty of good beer but not so much "once in a lifetime" beers. Also shouldn't be a problem to find some beer comrades there.

Extravaganza is similar to CBC, quality a bit lower, bigger pours, longer lines (especially for few hyped breweries). Also more relaxed - but it's hard to tell how is it going to look like next year.

In terms of bars/tap takeovers I think it's hard to beat Copenhagen/Mikkeller beer week.

beers 5678 º places 1061 º 16:29 Thu 9/21/2017

Beavertown Extravaganza was great, but it was their first time, so I'm sure they'll learn from the experience. They asked for feedback, and got plenty. Whilst there were some queues there were always breweries pouring that had no queues, depending on the beers they were pouring. For a first go I think they did really well.

I went to Borefts in 2016, loved it, it has a super relaxed, friendly vibe. There were 'one-off' beers if you looked and lines would sometimes form from nowhere, Narke etc. I'll be back in 2018 for sure.

MBCC is perhaps the best choice (I've done one session the last two times) but so many great festivals out there!

beers 7648 º places 367 º 04:23 Fri 9/22/2017

London beer scene may be a good option for next year. My last visit to London was 5 years ago and I didn´t visit any special beer related venue...I went to the British Museum instead of a decent Brewery :( But London may have the same "cons" as Copenhagen in terms of pricey city.

Another option for me could be the European Summer Ratebeer Gathering. It´s not a festival but I´m sure that the Gathering worths the trip :)

Thank you for your advices.