Brewed by Liefmans (Duvel Moortgat)
Style: Flavored - Fruit
Oudenaarde, Belgium
Serve in Flute, Shaker


on tap

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RATINGS: 735   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.98/5   EST. CALORIES: 114   ABV: 3.8%
Liefmans is a unique, refreshing blend of beers, ripened on real cherries in our cellars, blended with natural fruitjuices of strawberry, raspberry, cherry, billberry and elderberry. The result is a slightly Champenoise pearling, fruity, and agreably sweet drink, sparkling and refreshing.

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Dzony95 (352) - Belgrade, SERBIA - APR 9, 2024
UPDATED: APR 9, 2024 0.25 bottle from Belgian beer box. Pours red color with medium but quickly disappearing head, poured over ice. Fruity, cherry, juicy aroma. Juicy taste, sour cherry, raspberry, strawberry. Not really feels like beer, with distant yeast and malts. Sticky texture, sweet. Palate fruity with a sour hint. I'd rather call this juice than beer, but it's still way better than classic radlers.

bilcho1 (1568) - Ruse, BULGARIA - MAR 30, 2024
UPDATED: MAR 30, 2024 A bottle beyond its best by date, but still good. Some mild caramel and molasses malts under the soft sour cherry. Complex, not aggressively sour and refreshing.

Teran (507) - Dubrovnik, CROATIA - DEC 6, 2023
UPDATED: DEC 6, 2023 Aroma and taste of raspberries, strawberries and cherries. Sweet aftertaste that fills the upper and front part of the mouth for a decent while. Really good beer.The body is light, medium carbonation. Red with pink top.

Jonas2500 (4) - DENMARK - OCT 2, 2023 does not count
UPDATED: OCT 2, 2023 Bottle 25 cl. Pours red, nice foam. Taste of red berries, but also some vinegary acidity, some sharpness and something just not harmonic in this blend. Pretty low in carbonation. All in all one of the more disappointing fruit beers. The non-alcoholic version of this beer is much, much tastier.

pindolaire (628) - SPAIN - JAN 24, 2023
UPDATED: OCT 8, 2023 Catada en flauta, color rojizo, espuma blanca-rosa palido de poca retención. Olor a cereza y toque de levadura. Sabor afrutado, efervescente, dulce, muy agradable. No soy muy conocedor de las saborizadas con fruta, apenas he empezado a probarlas, pero debo reconocer que me ha gustado la experiencia, cerveza muy fina y muy sabrosa, digna de disfrutar, aconsejo también su consumo 'on the rocks', esta rica

tontalus (1797) - - DEC 24, 2022
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2022 Das Kiefmans Fruitesse scheint ein Bier der Kategorie 'für Leute, die den Biergeschmack nicht mögen' zu sein. Zutaten:: Aromatisiert mit Zucker und Süßstoff; Gerstenmalz, Weizenmal, 15% Frucht (Kirsche, Himbeere, Heidelbeere, Holunderbeere, Erdbeere); Fructose; Schwarzes Karottenextrakt ... und weitere Zutaten, die in einem Bier nichts verloren haben. Es kommt kirschrot mit saktartiger Kohlensäure uns Glas und hat mittelporigen, hellroten Schaum. Der Geruch erinnert an künstlichen Hubba Bubba Erdbeere. Beim Antrunk sehr süß, Kirsche und Himberre bekomme ich noch hin, die anderen genannten künstlichen Aromen gehen unter. Sehr viel Kohlensäure, so dass man an ein Cocktail mit Sekr für das weibliche Geschlecht erinnert wird. Beim Abgang Beim Abgang mehr Kohlensäure bei Gott sei Dank abnehmendem Zucker. Finger weg, wenn es irgendwie geht! 10-2019

Yorker (5749) - Nowhere in particular, DENMARK - NOV 26, 2022
UPDATED: NOV 26, 2022 25 cl bottle @ home. Pours clear red with a pink head. Aroma and flavour are sweet cherries, red berries, and marzipan - with a slightly sweet finish.

Goldbarren (5524) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - OCT 31, 2022
UPDATED: OCT 31, 2022 Manchmal findet man neues Bier an Orte, wo man es nicht erwartet. Dieses gab es bei der Dorfpizzeria in der Wachau, wo ich meine Eltern besuchte. Es ist sehr süß und beerig, weshalb man den Hinweis, dass man es 'on the rocks' trinken sollte durchaus ernst nehmen kann. Ein nettes spritziges Sommergetränk, das aber mit klassischen Bier nichts zu tun hat. Dennoch kann ich es mir an einem heißen Sommertag sehr gut vorstellen.

BeerViking (9209) - Brentford, Greater London, ENGLAND - OCT 9, 2022
UPDATED: OCT 9, 2022 Bottle, as Fruitesse on the Rocks. Bright purplish red with a lurid pink foam and a lovely aroma of sweet cherries plus a little malt. Mostly sweet fruit on the palate, with only a little discernable beer character, sugary and a bit cloying on the finish. I've never been a huge fan of sweet cherry beers, and serving it over ice isn't changing that much - although yes, the chill does cut the sweetness a little.

klukas (1306) - Rijeka, CROATIA - SEP 13, 2022
UPDATED: SEP 13, 2022 Enjoyed: Poured from a bottle into shaker glass. Appearance: Clear deep red colour, small head which soon fades. Aroma: Malt, grains, fruits (strawberry, raspberry, currant), candy. Palate: Light to medium body, soft carbonation. Taste: Malt, grains, fruits (strawberry, raspberry, currant), candy/sweet. Overall impression: Sweet and fruity.I am not a fan of the style, but this is quite good and drinkable.

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