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RATINGS: 84   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.95/5   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
Enjoy the winter with our new specialty WINTER BEER and experience the full-bodied flavor with a mild hop aroma. "As the winter can still take a little longer."

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BuckeyeBoy (17521) - Boise, Idaho, USA - FEB 1, 2024
UPDATED: FEB 1, 2024 0.5L bottle pours out crisp clean golden topped with a white head. Nose is nice sweet caramel malts some honey maybe a little metallic and light grass. Taste is more of the nice sweet malts honey cereal kick and some grassy hops.

oh6gdx (44945) - Vasa, FINLAND - JAN 15, 2023
UPDATED: JAN 15, 2023 Bottled. Golden colour with a mediumsized white head. Aroma is herbal, grassy and mild sweet malty tones. Flavour is bready malts, some herbal and grassy notes with mild earthy elements.

DrNosha (8484) - Württemberg, GERMANY - DEC 3, 2022
UPDATED: DEC 3, 2022 0,5l Flasche @ Ato. Kkar gelb, heller Schaum. Getreide und Honigduft. Seifiger Honig Geschmack. Mild her-süsses Finish. Schwach.

drmet (1713) - GERMANY - JUN 30, 2022
UPDATED: JUN 30, 2022 L: -pours a clear golden with a medium,foamy,white head -medium to high carbonation visible S: -malty,grainy,yeasty,cucumber T: -sweet spiciness F: -medium carbonation -light to medium body -faint alcohol noticeable O: Fairly mediocre Festbier.

tgrtnr (3344) - Germering b München, GERMANY - JAN 19, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2022 500 ml bottle. Clear dark golden, foamy head. Bread, brioche, biscuit, citrus, hay, grassy hops. Malty sweetness, mild dry hoppy bitterness. Full bodied, oily texture, lively carbonated, dry sweet finish. Nice Export!

rozsoma (4084) - Gyõr, HUNGARY - DEC 18, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2021 atom egy weinachtsbier volt, a helles-nek már már túl testes is, szint már egy maibocki testességbe emelkedett festbier. édeskés és malátával telített aroma és ízprofil úgy szórta rám az áldást mint angyalok a fenilciklidint.

weizen-slayer (1191) - Passau, GERMANY - DEC 30, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2020 Etwas Apfelsaft in der Nase, außerdem florale und getreidige Nuancen. Geschmacklich findet sich auch Getreide und mild malzige Note. Bittere Noten fallen erst weit hinten im Nachgeschmack auf. Wunderbar weich, relativ wenig Kohlensäure. Insgesamt etwas zu seltsam süßlich, trotzdem durchaus schmackhaft und süffig.

Piepenhenrich (3428) - Oberursel, GERMANY - APR 11, 2020
UPDATED: APR 11, 2020 Clear golden with a decent white head that dilapidates quickly. Taste is grain, some sweetness, honey.

Neururer1337 (683) - GERMANY - FEB 10, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 10, 2020 Angemessene Schaumentwicklung mit eher grober Konsistenz und mäßiger Haltbarkeit. Farblich ist das Bier goldgelb und klar. Riecht würzig, malzig, leicht süß. Geschmacklich weich, würzig, leicht malzig, kernig, etwas Restsüße. Im Abgang nur dezent gehopft. Kein Highlight, aber trinkbar.

Fin (17268) - Innernzell, GERMANY - DEC 1, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 1, 2019 Bottle picked up from REWE, Zolling and consumed at home Attenkirchen Sunday 1st December 2019 cooking a Beef Rendang and listening to one of our 🎸🎶 albums of 2019 🎸🎶 Pixies - Beneath the Eyrie, after a hard 3-4 hours working on the garden (mostly raking and picking up leaves). Pours gold with a huge frothy white head. For a Winterbier this tastes, fresh, crisp, and with a light hoppiness, quite summery. However seasons aside it's quite a decent Helles, in fact my 🎉🎆🎖️100th in this style. Like this.

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