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RATINGS: 405   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.48/5   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
Our porter is rich and robust, dark brown in colour with a dark roasted coffee nose, imparting an intense coffee flavour with notes of chocolate. Made with beans supplied by the Distillery District’s Balzac’s Coffee, this porter offers a rich, full and unique flavour. Currently, there are no other coffee-flavoured beers in the Ontario market.

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Beese (17461) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - MAY 2, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 2, 2020 Keg at Mill Street Brewery, Toronto, ON on 18/09/2008. I’m normally not a big fan of coffee mixed with anything sweet, but this was a fairly sweet Porter, and somehow it didn’t jar me. Smooth, coffee and dark sugar notes with maybe a hint of maple... but I could have imagined that.

Listigovers (2149) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - MAY 19, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 19, 2019 What, I've never rated this? One of the first beers I had from Toronto. Black pour really rich and creamy with a bit of roasted sweetness and coffee finish, balance and refreshing enough to drink as a beer not just dessert, good.

Raistlin (2415) - London, Ontario, CANADA - MAR 23, 2018
Dark brown with a thick tan head. Nice and roasted coffee aroma with a slight hint of cream coming up at the end. Good roasted barley notes as well. Subtle coffee at the start that builds up as you drink. Nice and roasted without tasting burnt. A bit thin-bodied but really good flavor.

DrNosha (8582) - Württemberg, GERMANY - DEC 7, 2017
341ml Flasche. Schwarzes Bier, brauner cremiger Schaum. Starke Kaffe Noten. Antrunk säuerlich. Kaffee, Malz.

Bitterbill (3241) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - OCT 31, 2017
From Nov 2007 Another brew I got in a trade with autumnaldave. Thanks Dave! It pours from 341ml bottle a very dark brown with just the slightest reddish hue and a near 2 finger head of tannish foam. It recedes to a fine layer over time and it has some good lacing. The smell is nice..I get coffee , roasted malt, and a touch of chocolate. The taste kind of fooled me; The first thing I noticed on my palate was a dark chocolate flavour followed by coffee(yeah, it starts to take over after the first sip) and roasted malt and there's some sweet malt kicking it up in the backgound. There's a bitterness there that I figure comes from both the coffee and the dark chocolate and it's absolutely delicious. The mouthfeel is medium bordering on heavy and the carbonation is light. Very easy drinking, this son of a gun, and so smooth on the tongue. Man, I could kick back a few of these. To tell you the truth, I'm not a huge fan of coffee)I prefer tea) but the few "Coffee" brews I've had have realy impressed me.... Bottom line: Another very nice Porter that I can only recommend. Thanks again, Dave. It was another excellent sample to throw in as an extra!!

mathieuc (3997) - Québec, Quebec, CANADA - MAY 29, 2016
Thanks to Luc for this one! Pours a very dark brown with a medium beige head that leaves good to very good lacing. Nose is of coffee for sure but not quite the bright and freshly roasted one you’re used to. Maybe it is the mix with all the roasted malt and sweet milk chocolate (lactose?) that is throwing me off, though. Taste is lightly ashy, a bit acidic and offers more chocolate and that lactose sweetness. Body is light, carbonation moderate and it feels a little bit thin overall. Still a fair coffee porter.

FROTHINGSLOSH (15917) - GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 15, 2016
Sampled from a 12oz brown bottle this beer poured a black color with a huge foamy dark brown head that lingered and left good lacing. The aroma was vanilla, brewed coffee, toasty malts and moderate bitterness. The flavor was rather bitter with sourish brewed coffee, roasty malts and floral hops. Long finish. Medium body. Ok.

Lovecrash42 (12) - Cardiff, WALES - DEC 26, 2015
An easy go-to of porters, I often pick this up when having a couple over company. Deeply coffee but still light on the tongue, Mill Street always wins in wafting aroma. Be happy to hold this and sip it back, letting the sweetness settle on one’s tongue.

CurbDog (119) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - NOV 4, 2015
Half a finger of tan head, fades quickly and clings to edge of glass. Dark brown colour. Aroma is strong of cold steeped sweetened coffee, roasty. Very strong coffee flavour, thin and slightly acrid. Strong roast, dark bitter chocolate in the finish. Med carbonation. Nice coffee beer, but the porter character is very subdued,

Bamsen78 (8425) - Sønderborg, DENMARK - JUL 14, 2015
Bottle from the brewpub in Ottawa. Pours hazy very dark brown with creamy, stable light tan head. Clear aroma of roast and malt, with estery notes and touches of coffee. Roasty flavour with notes of coffee and malt and touches of oats and hops. Subtle hints of metal. Estery and slightly coffelike and lactic aftertaste. Decent.

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