Bièropholie Bock Émissaire

Formerly brewed at Bièropholie
Style: Bock - Dunkler Bock
, Canada


on tap


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RATINGS: 117   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.64/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
"An "EinsundHälfteBock". According to us, more than a regular Bock and, according to those who have decided to put beers in tight, little categories, it is not quite strong enough to really be called a doppelbock. Brown beer of German inspiration. A 6% abv lager. A full-bodied personality with dominant and complex malt flavors and, oh!, a hop presence which quite shy! We broke the style mold for the great pleasure of hop heads. This is Bièropholie!

Last batch brewed in december 2004 and bottled in january 2005. Next batch will be in january 2008.

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hopdog (25100) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 21, 2023
UPDATED: SEP 21, 2023 2005 bottle. Poured a brown color with a thin sized head. Drinkable for its age ... earthy, caralem, and some lighter oxidation.

Viper666.Qc (10517) - Richelieu, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 12, 2013
Bouteille 341ml. De couleur brune foncée. Nez malté de caramel sucré, léger de mélasse, avec des notes fruitées (prunes, trace de raisins), de chocolat noir et de fumée de bois. Plutôt ronde en bouche avec une effervescence moyenne et une texture crémeuse. Goût légèrement fruité sucré aux petites notes sûres (prunes, notes de cerises, de raisins vineux, traces de figues) avec des petites notes de fumée de bois lors de l’entrée en bouche suivi d’un goût malté de caramel sucré, légèrement rôti et aux notes terreuses, léger de mélasse puis en finale, l’on retrouve un léger goût de chocolat noir avec des petites traces d’alcool très douces,de noix et de houblon herbeux. Post-goût long-moyen et un peu sec, légèrement amer de rôti, de houblon herbeux avec des petites notes de noix et de fruits.

gilvanblight (825) - Windsor, Ontario, CANADA - OCT 15, 2011
Nice caramel coloured head. Looks like a coke but darker. Super malt scent. Caramel and chocolat. Deep strong malt taste, caramel still strong. Aftertaste lingers a bit too long. Roasted smoke.

Metalchopz (7192) - Cantley, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 6, 2010
Originally rated March 2006. Bought at the Dépanneur de la Rive in Cap-Rouge, Quebec. Written 2005 on the label. Pours a dark brown colour with a big tanned head. Medium retention with some nice little streak lace. Good layer of cream and bubble stay on top of the brew. Reddish highlights come of the brew. The nose is of molasse, nuts and roasted malt. Semi-syrupy mouthfeel and full-bodied. Smooth start with the flavours, with roasted malts and going to a slight bitter finish of hop. Good balance of both in the aftertaste with the molasse. Quite nice.

bedainedebiere (563) - Terrebonne, Quebec, CANADA - APR 1, 2009
Ha Ha Ha! Just found a place where they still have plenty of 6-packs of the 2005 vintage and I paid 8,99$ for one of them. Threatening my 1 month old boy or my wife’s life could be the only way I might say where I got it. I never tasted that beer before so I cannot say what 4 years of aging has done to it. I also bought a 6-pack of Mackroken Flower, vintage 2005, same price (the owners are ignorants... I like that!)... And before I opened a Mac, that I last had 6 months ago, the aroma and the taste of the Bock Emissaire reminded me immediatly of that Mac Scotch ale. I opened a Mac before finishing the Bock to compare. There are similarities but Mac is far more to my liking. The Bock, now. Very, very sweet aroma (ripe dates) and stronger than Mac, quite-dark brown color, also very sweet caramelized malt taste, spicy subtilities, little low carbonation. I think that the hop bitterness is a little discreet, maybe tampered by time, I don’t know, this beer is pretty complex and hard to describe, but the overall result is nevertheless now quite enjoyable. I will buy some more at this price. Better Sherlock fast ’cause I’m laughing a lot right now... Ha Ha Ha... (My selfishness is only a fake-attitude.)

papat444 (136) - Carignan, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 20, 2008
Big thanks to Glouglouburp for giving me this brew as an extra! Enjoyed while watching The Love Guru last night (horribly awful movie and not in a funny way). ***2005 Vintage*** The name of the beer is a play on words of the french expression "bouc emissaire" meaning scapegoat. Poured from a 341ml. bottle. Aromal: Boozy, leather, malty & toasted caramel. Stong aroma, a little pungent. Appearance: Dark brow body with definite amber/red tinges. Rusty colored and copper. Fairly good head retention considering the age. Tan head that clings to the glass. Flavor: Lighter than i thought. Malty feel with some caramel/toffee. A toasted feel around the edges of the mouth. Ends with a touch of bitterness. Palate: A little thin and muted, probably due to age. Smooth, malt is well balanced. A bit of nut and leather in there. Clean finish and a little (bitter?)sweet. Dry fruit and a slight coffee presence. Overall: Drinks fairly well. I would have another one. A pretty straightforward beer that still has some legs on it though age is starting to show. Taste is good though and i am looking forward to the new batch coming soon.

Ughsmash (7502) - Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA - OCT 21, 2008
2005 vintage bottle. Poured clear, deep reddish-brown with a lovely initial cap of tan head. The aroma had a rich, aged soy and molasses character, nicely toasted with dark fruits laced through there.. deep and inviting, and much more powerful than expected. The flavor held the same impressive malt bill, but it didn’t come together as well.. charred molasses and maple at the core with some spicy, medicinal character on the edges.. muddled on the finish. Medium-bodied with low carbonation on the palate.. emptier on the back half of the drink.. bit rough at the end. Overall quite nice.

WeeHeavySD (3488) - Portland, Oregon, USA - SEP 12, 2008
2005 vintage via trade with Glougoburg, thanks Dany. Pours dark dark dark black with a tan head. Nose is sweet and full of big caramel notes, very sweet. Taste is sweet and really nice despite the high sweetness.

Cletus (6349) - Connecticut, USA - SEP 8, 2008
2005 Bottle courtesy of glouglouburp. Pours brown with a tan head. Smells of sweet cherries, caramel. Tastes of sweet malt, some chocolate, hints of spice, some brown sugar.

KingpinIPA (841) - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - JUL 26, 2008
Bottle via Glouglouburp. Dark color. Smell of caramel, prunes, dates, spice, brown sugar, light chocolate and soy sauce. Taste of caramel, prunes, roasted malt, salt, nuts, plums, dates, spice, rye, brown sugar, light chocolate and soy sauce.

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