Bièropholie Impériale Stout

Formerly brewed at Bièropholie
Style: Stout - Imperial
, Canada
Serve in Snifter


on tap


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RATINGS: 303   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.91/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 231   ABV: 7.7%
2004 vintage, 7%abv.
2005 vintage, indicated on the top right of the label, 7.7%abv. Made for dark chocolate lovers. Should be tasted almost at room temperature with fresh strawberries and somebody to love.
2006 vintage, The brewery was momentarily closed, but a batch was made in another brewery. No marks at the top and 7.7%.
2007 vintage, Maniacs asked for a thicker version. Here it is. We are not responsible if your tongue stays black. 7.9%.
2008, More of everything and a bit more on the roasted than on the chocolate.

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papat444 (136) - Carignan, Quebec, CANADA - FEB 10, 2017
Appearance: Pours a thick, black (i mean black!) body with a next to non-existant head. Almost molasses-like in color, black as evil is! Smell: Warming, roasted malt & barley, intense & some coffee presence. Taste: Creamy, mouth-filling which starts out smooth but kind of sneaks up on you. Very solid. Mouthfeel: Strong coffee overtones, corsé with a burnt-like flavor to it. A bit of dark chocolate mouthfeel to it. Full-bodied & also some molasses in there. Reviewed on: 04-14-2008

Viper666.Qc (10517) - Richelieu, Quebec, CANADA - JAN 12, 2013
Bouteille 341ml (2005). De couleur noire et opaque. Nez de chocolat noir (notes de chocolat au lait), de malt rôti, moyen de café avec une petite présence de caramel, avec des notes fruitées (raisins et de cerises noires) ainsi que quelques notes d’alcool doux, de mélasse et de fumée de bois. Moyenne-ronde en bouche avec un pétillement moyen et une texture riche, huileuse aux notes crémeuses. Goût légèrement fruité (léger de raisins, traces de prunes et de cerises noires) aux petites notes lactiques (chocolat noir) avec de faibles notes fumées (fumée de bois) lors de l’entrée en bouche auquel se rajoute et ce, jusqu’en finale un goût de chocolat noir et de malt rôti, un moyen goût de café, léger de mélasse, de houblon herbeux et d’alcool doux. Post-goût long, amer de rôti et de chocolat noir, léger de houblon herbeux et d’alcool doux avec des notes de café.

ben4321 (11354) - Metuchen, New Jersey, USA - JAN 9, 2013
Location: Bottle at Paul’s Blind Impy Stout Tasting, 1/5/13

Aroma: The nose is a bit odd, the chocolate and roast are there too with the odd notes
Appearance: This one pours a dark brown-black color with a small head
Flavor: The flavor is malty, and a little sweet, but nice, with lots of chocolate and roast
Palate: The body was really nice, full, creamy, and smooth, highly drinkable, no alcohol burn
Overall Impression: I enjoyed this one. The nose was really odd, but the rest of the beer was quite enjoyable. The stand-out component was the feel, which was a borderline 4/5 for me.

jtclockwork (21132) - , New Jersey, USA - JAN 5, 2013
UPDATED: JAN 6, 2013 Bottle at Paul’s "Blind" imperial stout tasting. Pours black with tan head ring. Nose and taste of roast coffee, milk chocolate, dark chocolate and dark fruit. Medium body or slightly lighter.

madmitch76 (37104) - , Essex, ENGLAND - JUN 16, 2012
7th April 2010
Opaque black beer. Dark chocolate head, very short lived. Gorgeous nose of chocolate and Port Wine, one of the nicest smelling beers I’ve had in yonks. Palate is light and a little dry. Unsweet chocolate with a trace of coffee. Strongy tangy raspberry and cherry blend perfectly with the chocolate and coffee. Finishes light and soft. This is a very tasty Impy for it’s relatively modest abv. Excellent nose, good palate, great taste!

rolickstamp293 (14099) - FIJI ISLANDS - APR 24, 2012
Botelella, 2009, courtesy of Plovmand. Pitch black colour, light brown head, nice and creamy. Aroma has lots of roasted malt and chocolate along with coffes, sweet too. Good filling mouthfeel. Lovely flavour, lots of roasted malt and chocolate, sweet, coffee and (dark) fruit. Great tasty brew indeed!

KingCecil (2117) - DENMARK - FEB 8, 2012
Bottle. 2009 edition.... It pours thick pitch black with a small creamy brown head.... The aroma is cognac, hard roasted malt, coffee... and chocolate.... The flavor is coffee, licorice, chocolate and hops.... dark fruit finish.....

Plovmand (12168) - Grindsted, DENMARK - FEB 8, 2012
Bottle. 2009 edition. Trade by TheJester. It pours thick jet black with a creamy brown head. The aroma is hard roasted with strong notes of liquorice, chocolate, coffee and citric hops. The flavour is soy, ash, hard roasted malt, toasted caramel, chocolate and coffee. Dark fruit in the finish. Very very nice!

Kåstå (1273) - Mol, BELGIUM - DEC 22, 2011
Bottle. Dark brown colour with a creamy head. Aroma is chocolate, fruit and a little hops. It has a slight roasty taste. This is a nice Imperial stout.

douglas88 (13239) - Portland, Oregon, USA - APR 15, 2011
2007 vintage 7.9%. 12 ounce bottle thanks to Dany! Pours a pure black color with a small brown head. A sweet roast and lactose nose. The flavor is initially a rich smoky, salty brew, dark fruit, viscous body. brown sugar and roast. Initially, I thought this had been off and gone soy sauce, but really it needed to warm and I didn’t get the sour element to this. Some Imperial Stouts have significant lactose-like sourness (such as DR’s Baltic Porter) and this certainly has this. And for me, when it is done well this works like a champion. Very nice brew. A bit of oxidation around the edges and some caramel and cherries at the core. Interesting brew!

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