Brewed by Alley Kat Brewing Company
Style: Pale Ale - American (APA)
Edmonton, Canada


on tap


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RATINGS: 101   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.41/5   IBU: 31   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
Full Moon is a West Coast style pale ale that is both kettle hopped and dry hopped with Centennial and Cascades. The hops provide this ale with a nice citrus-like taste to balance out the caramel malts.

West Coast style pale ales are from a larger category of brews called American Pale Ale (APA). The APA is a cleaner and slightly hoppier version of British Pale Ales using North American hop varieties but everything else remains the same, right down to the balance between malts and hops to the medium body. With the additional hops APA tends to produce nice fruit-like flavours while balancing out the bitterness from the hops used in the process. 12.2°

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ryanhunter_4 (1062) - Strathmore, Alberta, CANADA - SEP 25, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 25, 2021 355 ml can poured at home. Pours amber with a fluffy off white head. Smells like lemon and rye grains. Tastes like malt with yeasty rye and a weird combo of bitter and watery. Not really working for me.

janvier52 (1) - - FEB 19, 2020 does not count
UPDATED: FEB 19, 2020 Pours with a white head, clear amber colour; moderately spicy with bitter finish. Moderately full mouth.

papat444 (136) - Carignan, Quebec, CANADA - FEB 20, 2017
Appearance: Pours a gorgeous orange body with a decent white head floating on top. Lots of lacing left on the sides. Smell: A good piney hop aroma with some solid malt. More on the dry side. Taste: At first i thought it was a little off but as it warms it does get better. More malt-driven that hops though the flavor of the hops (grapefruit) are quite present with a present but not overdone bitterness. Mouthfeel: Dry and a tiny bit metallic. As it warms it gets smoother but feels a little bit thin and light. Carbonation is spot on but something about the mouthfeel keeps it at average.

cmacklin (4290) - Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA - FEB 1, 2017
341ml bottle. Pours a clear gold-amber with a medium, mostly lasting, off-white head that laces nicely. Sweet aroma of caramel malt, bread, floral, citrus and grass. Sweet flavour of caramel malt, bread, lemon, grapefruit, floral and grass with a dry, mildly bitter, hoppy finish. Light body with a thin texture and soft carbonation.

solidfunk (20081) - Washington D.C., Washington DC, USA - DEC 23, 2016
Light pepper and citrus. Clear amber pour with decent head and lacing. Light bitter finish. Drinks easy like wide mouth cans. Bottle.

exeter (546) - calgary, Alberta, CANADA - SEP 10, 2016
It’s back! Poured a clear bronze colour with a finger of head that didn’t stick around. Nice lacing that stayed. Taste is of citrus apricots and breadiness to start and then semi-bitter hops at first and then a nice malt ending. Pretty good.

robinvboyer (7594) - Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, CANADA - AUG 7, 2014
West coast pale ale....ummmm, not in this bottle. Tinges of citrus, pale, yeasty malts. Nothing very impressive, and quite boring. Run of the mill pale ale.

a_sully (457) - - JUL 31, 2014
Yellow orange colour (copper) with a foamy white head. Transparent clarity. Aroma of yeast and hops. Taste is smooth with slightly bitter hoppy aftertaste. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

thebeertourist (5188) - Oslo, NORWAY - MAY 5, 2014
On tap at Reilly’s Taphouse, Itaewon. Clear copper. Fruity toffee throughout. Nothing special.

northropfrye (4425) - Steinbach, Manitoba, CANADA - APR 7, 2014
On tap at Sugarbowl. A decent APA but I guess I was a bit disappointed in this. Would have like a bit more assertiveness in the hops, but still a decent beverage. The first time I’ve had an Edmonton beer in Edmonton.

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