
Ratebeer Articles by Cobra

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints: May 6/04 - Making a Windscreen for Your Outdoor Cooker
Story by Cobra, May 6, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints: Making a Homemade Copper Immersion Wort Chiller
Story by Cobra, Apr 29, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints: Moving Your Homebrew
Story by Cobra, Apr 22, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrew Hints: What Stopper Goes With That?
Story by Cobra, Apr 15, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints - April 8th: Marking Those Homebrews
Story by Cobra, Apr 7, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints: Sanitizing Chemicals
Story by Cobra, Mar 30, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints: Cleaning & Refurbishing Corny Kegs
Story by Cobra, Mar 24, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints: Making Yeast Starters
Story by Cobra, Mar 18, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrew Tips: Vol. 3 - Cleaning Your Brewpots
Story by Cobra, Mar 11, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Hints: March 4, 2004 - Removing Labels
Story by Cobra, Mar 4, 2004

 Cobra's Homebrewing Weekly Hints: February 26, 2004: Hops
Story by Cobra, Feb 26, 2004

 The 7th Annual Old Dominion Beer Festival: A Day Of Sun, Fun, Friends, Food, & Beer
Story by Cobra, Jul 3, 2003

 Homebrewer's Guide To Growing Your Own Hops: A Useful Compendium of Knowledge
Story by Cobra, May 29, 2003

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Beer Reference

How To Rate Beer
Bob shares tips on how to best sample beer.

Beer Style Guide
Oakes' guide to beer's many varieties.

All About Hops
The succinct and complete hop guide.

Beer And Cheese
Notes on pairings from Owen Ogletree

Aroma/Flavor Checklist, ecrvich
Unbeatable for tasting notes when at festivals.

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