Plain Ales

Unit 17c, Deverill Road Trading Est, Sutton Veny, Warminster, Wiltshire, England BA12 7BZ
Commenced brewing at Bow House, Chitterne, Warminster in 2008. Moved to Deverill Road Trading Estate in late in 2009. In 2018 Plain Ales added the Kult Brewing range using a pilot brewing plant.
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Plain Ales Independence 4.53/31/2023Rate 3.092
Plain Ales Innocence (alias) 4.04/28/2017
Plain Arty Farty 3.99/23/2011Rate 34721
Plain Fool's Gold 3.58/19/2023Rate 2.981
Plain Gold Medale 5.08/16/2012Rate 2.841
Plain Hairy Hooker 4.112/13/2012Rate 3.077011
Plain Humble Fox 4.010/22/2016Rate 3.061
Plain India Plain Ale (IPA) 5.23/2/2014Rate 3.273714
Plain Inn Mason's 4.06/29/2010Rate 2.861
Plain Inn The Sun 4.66/7/2013Rate 2.98459
Plain Inncognito 4.81/29/2011Rate 3.488957
Plain Inndependence 4.511/19/2021Rate 3.033
Plain Inndulgence 5.25/4/2010Rate 3.335330
Plain Innocence 4.010/29/2009Rate 3.228937
Plain Innspiration 4.06/20/2009Rate 3.056526
Plain Inntrigue 4.23/18/2010Rate 3.128340
Plain Kult Brewing Rebel 4.210/21/2018Rate 3.041
Plain Kult Jah 4.45/15/2019Rate 2.961
Plain Lords-a-Leapin' 4.312/24/2011Rate 2.842
Plain Mayday 3.85/15/2015Rate 3.022
Plain Mild Not Meek 5.15/25/2013Rate 2.92
Plain Respect 4.010/6/2012Rate 2.883
Plain Rudolf's Ruin 4.51/13/2013Rate 3.157
Plain Sheep Dip 3.88/25/2010Rate 3.045832
Plain Stocking Filler 4.012/27/2015Rate 3.041
Plain Tam O'Shanter 4.11/12/2013Rate 2.884
Plain The Wife's Bitter 3.97/29/2012Rate 2.944211
Plain Winter Sun 4.52/1/2020Rate 2.982
Plain Wintertide 4.012/30/2022Rate 3.171
Plain Wreck The Halls 5.012/16/2015Rate 2.964

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