Wentwell Brewery

(Not In Production)
Unit 22 Perkins Yard, Mansfield Road, Derby, Derbyshire, England DE21 4AW
Commenced Brewing in 2011 at Wingfield Drive, Derby. Moved in 2013 to Mansfield Rd. Closed in 2016 due to the ill health of the owner / Brewer.
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Wentwell Absent Friends 5.02/18/2016Rate 2.744
Wentwell Amjeel IPA 5.83/3/2016Rate 3.177
Wentwell Barrel Organ Blues 4.512/29/2011Rate 2.998
Wentwell Black Ram Stout 4.110/10/2015Rate 3.135
Wentwell Chester Pale 4.27/17/2013Rate 2.712
Wentwell D5 5.09/16/2015Rate 2.864
Wentwell Derby Pale Ale 3.88/11/2015Rate 2.982
Wentwell Derbyshire Gold 3.95/28/2011Rate 2.953710
Wentwell Embassy Dark Ale 5.47/4/2015Rate 31
Wentwell Farm Hands' Bitter 4.17/30/2011Rate 2.978
Wentwell Hydro 3.810/30/2016Rate 0
Wentwell Jeremiah Mild 3.33/25/2013Rate 2.761
Wentwell Judge's Verdict 6.16/28/2013Rate 0
Wentwell Justice For Chillingers 4.011/22/2015Rate 2.92
Wentwell Justice For Gingers 4.06/28/2013Rate 3.022
Wentwell Nellie's Best 5.32/10/2016Rate 2.941
Wentwell Russian Imperial Stout 6.02/23/2015Rate 3.274
Wentwell Tramway Mild 3.77/29/2015Rate 3.131
Wentwell Wipers 4.72/10/2016Rate 2.891

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