Chapel Brewery

(Not In Production)
Dinesfield, Chapel Lane, Criftins, Shropshire, England SY12 9LZ
Commenced Brewing Summer 2013. Brewing ceased in 2022.
Follow Add Beer
Chapel Absolution 5.08/31/2017Rate 3.021
Chapel Amen 5.011/8/2014Rate 3.072
Chapel Angel's Share 4.012/30/2014Rate 3.126
Chapel Avatar 4.06/11/2017Rate 3.021
Chapel Babylon 5.02/11/2014Rate 3.192
Chapel Bailey Head Black 5.07/23/2017Rate 3.182
Chapel Cadfael 4.27/19/2018Rate 2.851
Chapel Crypt 4.41/29/2019Rate 2.941
Chapel Dark Lord 5.01/24/2020Rate 3.237
Chapel Equinox 6.011/16/2016Rate 2.93
Chapel Godsend 5.01/29/2019Rate 3.123
Chapel Holy Grail 5.011/1/2018Rate 3.044
Chapel Holy Grail (dry hopped with Citra) 5.07/23/2019Rate 2.941
Chapel Incarnation 3.87/19/2018Rate 2.941
Chapel Last Supper 4.711/8/2014Rate 3.28710
Chapel Miracle 4.48/22/2013Rate 3.117013
Chapel Miracle (dry hopped with Chinook) 4.47/23/2019Rate 0
Chapel Miracle (dry hopped with Citra) 4.47/27/2019Rate 3.022
Chapel OMG! 3.81/24/2020Rate 2.972
Chapel Silver Chalice 4.712/9/2015Rate 3.146
Chapel Window 4.77/23/2019Rate 2.941

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