White Brewing / Edge

(Not In Production)
Pebsham Farm, Pebsham Lane, Bexhill, East Sussex, England TN40 2RZ
Commenced brewing 1995. Closed in 2011 although a new company - Edge Brewing Co - took over the brewing equipment and now makes a different range of beers on the same site, although some of the old White names have been re-used (possibly with recipe changes). Ceased brewing under the Edge name in late 2011 although the Franklins operation at the same location continues.
Follow Add Beer
Edge Brighton Rocks 4.05/27/2010Rate 2.862715
Edge IPA 3.65/25/2011Rate 2.893
White Abbey Cider 6.92/19/2011Rate 0
White Blonde 4.02/1/2008Rate 2.924
White Bottle of Hastings 4.52/19/2011Rate 2.91
White Chilly Willy 5.11/7/2006Rate 3.032115
White Dark Mild 4.01/19/2004Rate 3.237421
White Dave's Backcider (alias) 6.92/19/2011
White Dragon 2 Knight 4.07/18/2010Rate 2.742
White Franklins Tea 4.22/19/2011Rate 2.923
White Full Nelson 4.07/25/2005Rate 2.771
White Garter Star 1344 4.98/15/2011Rate 2.4809
White Heart of Rother 4.52/13/2006Rate 2.828
White Lovehandle 3.87/27/2009Rate 2.841
White Maiden Bexhill 4.52/10/2007Rate 2.994
White Patriot 3.87/19/2010Rate 2.862
White Weissbier 4.02/19/2011Rate 0
White White Christmas 4.01/14/2009Rate 2.82
White White Gold 4.910/25/2005Rate 2.864425
White Wizard Wand Waver 4.511/9/2009Rate 2.912

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