Shaws Brewery

(Not In Production)
Park Works, Park Road, Dukinfield, Greater Manchester, England SK16 5LX
Commenced brewing Spring 2002. Ceased brewing following a change of ownership in Summer 2011. The equipment was moved to a new location and brewing commenced as Quantum Brewing Co (q.v.), with a new beer range.
Follow Add Beer
Shaws Auld Roger 4.17/26/2007Rate 2.921
Shaws Best Bitter 4.05/29/2004Rate 3.095
Shaws Black Lion Gold 4.15/21/2010Rate 2.792
Shaws Cascade 4.27/22/2009Rate 2.84
Shaws Crusader 4.85/7/2006Rate 2.921
Shaws Dark Mild 3.35/31/2004Rate 3.242
Shaws Golden Angel 4.69/22/2007Rate 2.152
Shaws Golden Globe 4.37/22/2009Rate 2.548
Shaws Golden Perle 4.27/7/2008Rate 2.771
Shaws IPA 4.89/22/2007Rate 2.634
Shaws Maryenka 4.210/24/2006Rate 2.471
Shaws New Dawn 4.58/1/2007Rate 2.921
Shaws Not Out 4.05/27/2004Rate 2.961
Shaws Summer Light 3.87/22/2009Rate 2.58
Shaws Suppet Ale 4.09/8/2010Rate 2.981
Shaws Willamette Pale 4.010/23/2006Rate 2.841
Shaws XXB 4.24/5/2009Rate 2.833

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