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RateBeer Beer News

April 7, 2005 beer and brewing industry news
Brewers/Industry April 7, 2005      
Written by joet


Industry News

Anheuser-Busch’s first quarter sales of 2005 declined compared to the first quarter of 2004. The sales of domestic beer was below the brewer’s forecasts.

The Toronto craft beer scene has seen the return of an old favorite, Denison’s Dunkel. Denison’s brewmaster, Michael Hancock, revived the beer recently and it is currently available on draught.

Kirin Brewing Co. and Asahi Breweries Ltd. are releasing their own non-malt drinks. Kirin introduced its Nodogoshi Nama, which is brewed from soybean protein. Asahi will hit the market with Shin Nama, based on a soybean peptide.

A registered nutritionist exposed the myth on the beer belly. Frederick M. Beyerlein did a lot of advertising for his 21st Century Drinker Kit stating that alcohol-related obesity can be avoided by staying properly hydrated, knowing what food to eat and taking proper dietary supplements.

40 years after being shut down Wisconsin’s Faurbach brewery will be reopened. Neil Fauerbach, who was 13 when the brewery was shut down, managed to reopen the brewery with his brother and a cousin. Their first beer will be a Vienna-style lager which will be available on tap at a local establishment.

Big Hole has hired Wellington County Brewery in Guelph to undertake the contract-brewing of Headstrong Pale Ale for the Ontario market. The beer launched March 30th at the Bow & Arrow.

New Brews

On April 25, Summit Brewing of St. Paul, MN will be releasing a new brew, Summit Amber, available in draught only. The brew will feature Northern Brewer, Saaz, Vanguard and Tettanger hops and Pale, Munich, Wheat, Caramunich and Caramel malts. 4.7% ABV and 32 IBU. It will be available at selected Twin Cities bars and restaurants for a limited time; see their website for specific locations.http://www.summitbrewing.com/home.php

The British St.Austell Brewery is launching a new beer to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. The beer, named Admiral’s Ale will be on sale in the brewer’s estate.

Carlsberg is preparing to launch a summer beer in the Swedish market. The lemon-flavored beer will be a variety of Carlsberg’s Pripps Bla brand.



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