Hopfanatic Brewery Reviews

Hopfanatic Angry Beast
lost in the past. már nem is emlékszem hogy a rizmájeres verziót ittam vagy már a sztendelónt. mindenesetre adta magát, ideges lettem tőle, de dögivel.
Monday, February 19, 2024

Hopfanatic Trance India Pale Ale
lost rate from the past. olyan vizes testű volt, tudjátok az a fajta, amitől az embert szekunder szégyenérzet kerülgeti, hogy ezért ennyi pénzt hajlandó volt kiadni és inkább nem folytatja az ivást hanem hazamegy és magára zárva az ajtót átzokogja az éjszakát.
Monday, February 19, 2024

Hopfanatic NoHopLimit
lost rate from the past talán az első söröm volt aminek a komlótartalma letépte a fejem. úgy ahogy azt kell ...
Monday, February 19, 2024

Hopfanatic Fekete Erdő
Bottled (from Ales by Mail). Deep brown colour with a mediumsized beigeish brown head. Aroma is coffee, some roasted malts, mild nutty tones as well as some floral and fruity hops. Flavour is coffee, some roasted malts, toffee, nutty and mild fruity and floral tones. A bit too much fruity and floral tones for a porter in my opinion.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Hopfanatic NoHopLimit
Bottled. Slightly hazy amber colour with a foamy off-white head, which leaves good lace. Aroma is resiny, floral, some herbal and mild caramel malts. Flavour is resin, floral, some herbal, earthy and mild toffeeish tones. Bitter aftertaste.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Hopfanatic Zserbó Imperial Stout

Monday, December 20, 2021

Hopfanatic Zserbó Imperial Stout

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hopfanatic Forbidden Fruits - Fig, Chocolate Pepper
Bottle shared at home. Pours deep, opaque golden with no head. Nose is sour, lactic and acetic acid mainly, some funk perhaps, no trace of the additions. Taste is light to medium sourness, somewhat lactic but there's more acetic acid in ther, some moderate funky notes, a touch of leather. Some barely noticeable hot spicy character in the finish. Light body, soft to average carbonation. Kinda one dimensional with an uninteresting (but pretty dull, to say the least) acidic character, no trace of the fig and pepper. Meh.
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Hopfanatic Forbidden Fruits - Raspberry, Passion Fruit, Tonka Beans
Bottle at home, NE beer #1. Pours opaque orangeish golden with no head and yes sediment. Nose is lactic and acetic acid upfront, some fruits in the background, I mainly pick up passion fruit. Perhaps a hint of wood and tonka, but this latter is super vague. Taste is sour, mainly ruled by acetic acid. Some passion fruit, zesty citruses, no trace of the raspberry or tonka. Closes with strong acetic acid with woody undertones, it’s pretty pleasant tho. It has a light body and zero carbonation, thus it’s pretty easy to drink. It’s a decent sour ale, even tho there’s just traces of the additions (Passion fruit) or they’re literally nowhere to be found.
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Hopfanatic Forbidden Fruits - Mango, Blueberry, Ancho
Bottle at home. Opaque golden pour, thin white head. Wood, acetic acid, light funk, lactic acid, burning chili at the end of the sip. Almost no trace of the fruits that are supposed to be in here. Expected a lot more from this.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Hopfanatic Club Tropicana
0,33 bottle. Zavaros szűretlen szín, habja szinte nincs. Nagyon finom déli gyümölcsös, trópusi gyümis komlós illat. Közepesen szénsavas. Fanyar, savanykás, citrusos korttyal nyit. A sokadik kortynál már az IPA-kra jellemző keserűség is érződik, mintha grapefruit és zöldcitrom héját reszelték volna bele. A sour-savanyúsága itt picit háttérben, mert nem lehet eldönteni, hogy a citra jellegű komlóktól vagy az erjedéstől ilyen :) Kicsit furcsa utó-utó íz, talána a baktérium kultúra miatt. *** Turbid unfiltered color, almost no foam. Very delicate southern fruity, tropical woody hop aroma. Moderately carbonated. It opens with a tart, sour, citrus sip. For the many sips, the bitterness typical of IPAs already feels as if grapefruit and lime peels have been grated into it. The sour-sourness is a bit in the background here, because you can't decide whether it's like citrus hops or fermentation :) A bit of a strange after-after taste, maybe because of the bacterial culture.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hopfanatic Straw Battle Berry
0,33 bottle. Furcsa, meghatározhatatlan szűretlen opálos félbarnás szín. Hab azonnal eltűnik. Gyümölcsös, epres, friss illat, komlós, de inkább édeskés az eper püré miatt. A laktózos alap is inkább az édeskésség felé vitte. Sour-sörök között nem vészesen savanyú, inkább érdekesen. Mellette valóban selymes, közepesen testes, mégis olyan lágy korty a savanyúság ellenére. Az epres íz nem hivalkodó, inkább csak a háttérben jelenik meg. Érdekes, ilyen stílusú sörrel eddig nem találkoztam. Egyébként egy alap IPA-ba való komló mennyiség is megtalálható benne. *** Strange, indefinable unfiltered opal half-brown color. Foam disappears immediately. Fruity, strawberry, fresh scent, hops, but more sweet because of the strawberry puree. The lactose base also tended to lead to sweetness. Among sour beers, it’s not dangerously sour, but rather interesting. Next to it is a really silky, moderately full-bodied, yet so soft sip despite the sour taste. The strawberry flavor is not ostentatious, but rather appears only in the background. I’ve never come across an interesting beer of this style so far. Incidentally, it also contains a quantity of hops for a basic IPA.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hopfanatic White Hops
0,33 bottle. Érdekes, ananászos, narancsos tömény szűretlen szín, kitöltéskor nagy, majd ujjnyi fehér hab. Finom, citrusos, lime-os, komlós illat. Szénsav eltalálta, pont jó. Testes, telt íz. Valamennyire az élesztő érződik a búzás jegyek közül, de uralkodik a finom komlós citrusosság. Alkohol picit érződik, kesernyés érdekes lecsengés. Érdekes és finom kísérlet a bajor búza alapon APA komlókkal megtolni egy sört. Egész remek a végeredmény. *** Interesting, pineapple, orange concentrated unfiltered color, large when filled, then a fingerful of white foam. Delicate, citrus, lime, hoppy scent. Carbonic acid hit, just fine. Full-bodied taste. Somewhat of the yeast is felt among the notes of wheat, but it is dominated by fine hop citrus. Alcohol feels a bit, a bitter interesting finish. An interesting and delicious attempt to pour a beer with Bavarian wheat-based APA hops. The end result is quite great.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hopfanatic White Hops

Monday, July 13, 2020

Hopfanatic Tsunami

Monday, July 13, 2020

Hopfanatic Tsunami
Toasted malty, bit sweet aroma with cocoa and coffee. Sweeter than expected, roasted nuts. Some more hops would be nice to blalnce the taste.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hopfanatic Fekete Erdő
Dark brown, small brown foam. Caramel aroma, syrupy. Despite that, taste is rough/tart. Aftertaste is roasted malt at the back of the tongue.
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hopfanatic Trance India Pale Ale
Bitter, piney fragrances with bit cellar notes, mango freshness joins in later in the aroma.
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hopfanatic Celeste
Roasted malts in the aroma with some bitterness. Taste is malty, reminds me of roasted nuts.
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hopfanatic Tsunami
Bottle, 330 m. Like motoroil, dense body, deep dark brown, no head at all. Strong chocolate-rum cake, sweet coffee, cherry bon-bon, almost liquor-like. Alcohol can be detected, cherry bon-bon, rum-choco bon-bon, very intensive dark-choco liquor... as it is, a drink more like a liquor than a beer. Not bad, it's brutal...
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hopfanatic NoHopLimit
Decent ipa, bitterness is ok, but not intersting
Monday, February 17, 2020

Hopfanatic Zserbó Imperial Stout
Megkésett karácsonyi csemege, nevében is süteményes imperial stout került a poharamba így február tájékán, az ünnepi sorba talán már nem is fért volna be ez az ital. Rendben lévőnek tűnik a kinézet, olajos, halkléptű, hamar múló fahéj színű habbal a tetején. Illatra hozza a kakaós, diós jegyeket némi dohányos, faleveles beütéssel, majd íze kissé váratlanul élesre sikerül, fanyar elemek tolakodnak előre, amelybe aztán belekapaszkodik az étcsokoládés, diós, lekváros töltelék is. Igen elevenen hordozza tehát magán a zserbó képét, egy kevésbé élénk, visszafogottabban savanyú karakter azonban talán még jobban állna neki.
Friday, February 7, 2020

Hopfanatic Black Malibu
Bottle shared at Monyo. I only took numerical notes while having this one. (de miért volt fanyar vajh?)
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Hopfanatic Zserbó Imperial Stout
Deep black motoroil-like, color, small, brown head, disappear immediately. Smells like mama's jam, intense, sweet, fresh apricot aroma with some rum line. Bitter, sweet and sour at the same time, oily, cloying, but not harsh at all. Full of jam flavour, really good maltiness, the sweetness hides well the huge alcohol level and some of the roasted malts' bitterness. Well balanced and easy to drink. Really, really recommended.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Hopfanatic American Pale Ale
Very clear, copper color, big bubbly, off-white head. Intense citrusy, lemony, really sour hop aroma. Overcarbonated and over...soured? Is it an existing adjective? Like a 1:1 cheap beer - pure lemon juice thing, unfortunately it's hardly drinkable for me, the sourness is hiding every maltiness, fresh hoppiness, and any other fruity notes. Maybe there was some problems during the fermentation.
Friday, January 3, 2020

Hopfanatic Christmas Hoppudding
Draught, half pint at Beeráló, Székesfehérvár. Slightly hazy amber colour with a bubbly white head. Fruity aroma with citrus fruits, cocoa powder, caramel malts, figs and cocoa. Taste is sweet. Medium to full bodied. Sweet finish with Christmas spices, rich malts and fruits. Nice Winter Warmer.
Friday, December 27, 2019

Hopfanatic Irish Breakfast
bottle @ beerselection (budapest) brown colour, normal body, average carbonated, dark foam, medium weak texture, cocoa and chocolate flavour, lightl bitterness, dry
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hopfanatic Tsunami
Black color with thin beige head. Coffee, black chocolate, slightly bourbon, wood barrel aroma. Sweet and roasted, spicy coffee, chocolate, bit bourbon, wood flavor. Sweet spicy and alcohol warm dark chocolate, coffee palate with heavy oily body.
Monday, December 23, 2019

Hopfanatic Juicy Hops (Belma)
On tap at Hedon Bazilica Tap Room. Hazy yellow with a small head. Aroma: Fruit, grape, some floral hops. Taste: Some fruity sweetness with moderate bitterness
Monday, December 23, 2019

Hopfanatic NoHopLimit
On tap at Hedon Tap Room. Hazy golden with a white head. Aroma: Citrus, tropical fruits, yeast and bread. Taste: Crisp and refreshing. Not as bitter as I expected. Clean finish
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Hopfanatic Black Malibu
Sample at Hedon. Dark brown with a tan head. Aroma: Coconut, roasted malt, caramel, coffee. Taste: Sweet with lots of coconut.
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Hopfanatic Black Malibu
0.33 bottle C: opaque N: coconut, milk, vegetal P: coconut, milky, lactose, light acidity,
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hopfanatic Insomnia
Tar black colour with rich dark beige head. Aroma of coffee, chocolate and licorice. Taste is sour for a stout, chocolate, even slightly watery which seems strange given 8% alc volume. Aftertaste is herbal, quickly disappearing. Under average stout.
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hopfanatic Black Malibu
Shared bottle. Dark brown with small tan head. Coffee, chocolate in aroma. Taste, coffee, pasted malt,malt, coconuts, some pepper.
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hopfanatic Tsunami
Tap @ Hedon Tap Room. Black with a big, dense, brown head. Aroma: Coffee, bourbon, wood, dark chocolate, leather and burnt caramel. Taste is bittersweet toasted with lots of coffee and chocolate. Alcohol is quite present but not overpowering. Oily and medium heavy mouthfeel
Monday, December 2, 2019

Hopfanatic Tsunami
Aromat sos sojowy, kawa, czekolada, ciemne słody, wanilia. W smaku lekko kwaśne ale z dobrą kontrą słodowa.
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hopfanatic Black Malibu
Aromat kokosa, czekolady i ciemnych słodów. W smaku słodkie, gładkie i pijalne.
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hopfanatic Juicy Hops (Belma)
Aromat chmiel, cytrus, grejpfrut. W smaku lekka goryczka trochę owocowa. Nawet ok.
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hopfanatic NoHopLimit
Aromat chmiel i cytrus nic specjalnego ale nie najgorzej. W smaku goryczka lekka, spora kontra słodowa.
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hopfanatic Tsunami
Prometia ser un arrebato en la boca y me arrebato lo q esperaba. El sabor a burboun empieza en el olfato y al mojat los labios pero el cafe acaba matandolo y lo deja en un recurdo. Demasiado alcohol para la falta de sabor a bourbon. Penaliz su aspecto un poco y textura en boca poca espuma y falta densidad. Es grdable pero esperaba mas
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hopfanatic Black Malibu
egész jó a kókuszossága, egyáltalán nem tolakodó. elsőre. aztán a pohár végére már telítődik. de azért még jó.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hopfanatic Tsunami
Bottle shared at work. Jet black, oily pour, no head. Nose is huge coffee, sweet booze, low chocolate, spicy touch that I guess is the rye, no trace of the bourbon. Taste is big sweetness first, booze and some chocolate, then the coffee kicks in, roasted and slightly acidic notes, and closes with a surprisingly apparent, spicy rye finish. Heavy body, almost no carbonation. A little bit over the top altogether.
Monday, November 18, 2019

Hopfanatic Goodbye Summer
Hazy yellow color, medium white head. Watermelon, fresh cutted grass, cucumber, tropical, piny aroma. Watermelon, cucumber, sprout, malty, hints of citrus flavor. Freshly malted barley, watermelon-cucumber palate with medium bitterness and light body.
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Hopfanatic Angry Beast
Bottle at Karavella. Black pour, beige head. Nose is malátatörköly, some coffee, earthy notes, a mineral touch. Tastewise it's surprisingly empty, there's some dry earthy and roasted notes, low sweet booze but that's it really. Short finish, light body, soft carbonation. Bit of a letdown tbh.
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Hopfanatic Irish Breakfast
Copenhagen 29/8 2019. 50 cl from tap at Kompasset. Pours opaque dark brown with a small off-white head. Disappears fairly fast leaving what looks like a glass of de-carbonated Cola behind. No lacing. Aroma is medium intense and surpringly sour. Almost vinegar strength sourness. Lighter sweetness lurking in the background. Caramel, toffee. Medium carbonation. Thin, watery, lively texture. Flavor is lightly sweet followed by a strong, tart bitterness. Aftertaste is sour bitter. Lingers for a while. Finish is dry. Strangely sour and bitter. But the Irish could prefer their breakfast like that. Unexpected.
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hopfanatic White Hops
Mediocre beer for the style. Quite a bit too many bittering hops, steals from the drinkability of the beer. Comes across as harsh and cloying, but the malt bill and ferment seem fine. Legfelsobb budapest
Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Hopfanatic Bitterfly

Friday, May 3, 2019

Hopfanatic Angry Beast

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Hopfanatic NoHopLimit
Bottle at Legfelsőbb Beeróság, Budapest. Hazy pale amber, light beige head. Tropical fruit, caramel, pine notes. Good.
Friday, March 1, 2019