Gjerberg Bryggeri Reviews

Gjerberg Mørk Østbygding
Amber - Oxidised malt aroma - Old oxydised malt aroma with hints of caramel - To old and no good
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Gjerberg Mørk Østbygding
0,33 litre Bottle, shared with Inbreak and Cunningham. Amber with offwhite head. Malts, hops, some bitterness.
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Gjerberg Jul

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Gjerberg IPA

Monday, September 18, 2017

Gjerberg Jul

Monday, September 18, 2017

Gjerberg Jul
Sehr dunkel in Optik und Geschmack mit etwas viel geröstetem Malz und etwas Kaffee. Recht trinkbar, dabei jedoch etwas zu speziell, wenn auch hocharomatisch. Nicht schlecht.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Bottle from trade with Cunningham - many thanks Henry :-) the beer has got a deep dark brown colour with an low head and medium body. Aroma of coffee and malt. Taste of roasted grains, bread, torf, leaves, malt and mild spices. Dry and roasty finish. Easy to drink, good but average beer.
Friday, December 12, 2014

Gjerberg IPA

Bottle 330ml.

[ As Gjerberg IPA ].
Clear medium amber orange color with a average to large, frothy to creamy, good lacing, mostly lasting, off-white to light beige head. Aroma is moderate malty, pale malt, caramel, moderate hoppy, light orange - citrus. Flavour is moderate sweet and moderate to light light heavy bitter with a long duration, orange, sweet malt, hoppy. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft. [20140517]

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
0,33 flaske (takk til Asle Bjørn!), delt med Ovesen: mørkebrun med beige skum, tilløp til kniplinger - som deres ipa et fint utseende og god karbonering som gir en behagelig munnfølelse. Iflg Sigmund er humlene Pilgrim (bitter), EKG (smak) og Fuggles (aroma). Aroma av brød, karamell og noe søtlig krydder. Kraftig kropp, men jeg blir ikke begeistret, til det er sluttinntrykket for ufriskt.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Bottle shared with JMD at HNB 28.10.14. Dark brown. Beige head. Not quite inviting aroma dark malt and hops. Also a hint of anis. Similar and sweet taste. Caramel malt sweetness and hops not in harmony. Unfresh aftertaste
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
0,33 flaske (takk til Asle Bjørn!) delt med Ovesen: brunlig rubin med beige skum som varer - fint utseende. Mye humle og malt både i aroma og smak, det ender opp som karameller med grapefruktsmak. Ubalansert med andre ord. Fin karbonering trekker opp men en snerpende munnfølelse trekker ned.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle shared with JMD at HNB 28.10.14. Copper. Creamy beige head and lacing. Aroma of dark crystal malt and grape fruit. Lots of American hops and bitter citrus marmelade in sweet taste. Not in harmony. Like dark caraml with grapefruit taste. Astringent mouthfeel with unpleasant bitterness.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle at the brewery. Red/amber. Rich, hoppy aroma. Bittersweet, the Amarillo gives a fine charater to the beer. Pleasant, but not outstanding.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle at the brewery. deep amber colour with a beige head. Aroma is butterscotsch, malt, hop , caramel . Flavour is caramel, malt, hop, citrus, floral. Bitter finish. Ordinary beer.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle thx to Cunningham cons 2014-05-30 Göteborg AR: wee roasted malt, bready AP: ruby dark brown, stouthy crème brown high head F: smooth body, roasted malt, rustic bread, warming feeling, fairly bitter This can’t be the IPA must be the Bitter vs the ratings that have been for the IPA...
Friday, May 30, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
12 fl oz bottle. Pours hazy orange with a small white head. Aroma is toasted and slight herbal. Smooth fruity. Bitter and solid fruity. Dry and bitter finish.
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle @ America Strikes Back, Ulfborg. Pours clear copper brown, with airy off-white head. Clear aroma of malt and fruit, with notes of hops. Bitter, hoppy flavour, with fruity and malty notes, and touches of citrus. Bitter aftertaste. A rather atypical IPA, I must admit.
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle. Clear dark amber with small off-white head. Aroma is malt, caramel, toasted and hop. Flavour is malt, caramel, toasted, hop, medium sweet, little grapefruit and medium bitter.
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
15.02.2014, 0,33l bottle (11 days old) sampled @ the brewery:
Nice slightly bubbly mediumlasting head. Aroma is fruity, dried fruits, winegum crocodiles, grass, caramel malts, hay, butterscotch, hints of almonds. Taste is slightly dry grassy, caramel malts, harsh hay, grain, grass, hops, cardboard, weeds. Longlasting bitterness, dry mouthfeel. Meh!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
15.02.2014, 0,33l bottle sampled @ the brewery:
Nice creamy longlasting head. Aroma instantly kind of stings in the nose with some kind of boozyness, then the grainy fruityness takes over, caramel malts, dried fruits, almond cake, grass, nuts, hay. Taste is slightly dry grainy, caramel malts, hay, slightly roasted grain, almond essence, grass, hints of dried fruits. Medium bitterness, slightly dry mouthfeel. Fair enough.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gjerberg Lys Østbygding
15.02.2014, 0,33l bottle sampled @ the brewery:
Nice creamy mediumlasting head. Aroma is grainy, light malts, hay, grain, weeds, yeast, flowers, almonds. Taste is slightly grainy, light malts, weeds, hay, flowers, grain, yeast, hints of almond essence. Medium bitterness, grainy mouthfeel. Fair enough.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Hazy amber with off white head - malts and some hops in the aroma - malt body with some nice hops flavours, but it is not that bitter - Finish is short with some hops - This was ok
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Deep amber with off white head - A good sweet caramel malt aroma - Good malt body with caramle and some hints of spice - Good malt finish that is on the sweet side - This was nice
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gjerberg Lys Østbygding
Clear golden with a white head - Aroma of malts and some hops - Good malt body with some floral hops that gives some bitterness - nice malt finish with some hops - This was nice
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Flaske 0,33l. Gave fra Rune. Mørk rødbrun. Pent, litt farget skum som daler sakte. Litt lacing. Aroma av krydder & litt frukt. Myk munnfølelse. Smaken beholder krydderpreget og blir litt bitter etter hvert. Koseøl! Litt sedimenter igjen i glasset.
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Flaske 0,33l Gave fra Rune. Mørk brun med et brukbart, litt farget skum. Litt lacing. Veldig forsiktig aroma. Antydning til malt. Smaken er veldig flyktig. Spor av frukt som raskt blir overdøvd av en tung bitterhet og blir veldig tørr etter hvert.
Friday, May 2, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle kindly donated by Cunningham, many thanks. Dark amber color with medium off-white head. Caramel, shy citrus hops in aroma. solid malty backbone with caramel followed by citrus hops butterscotch. Bittersweet finish. Easy drinkable beer.
Friday, April 18, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle. Pours dark amber with an off-white head. Aroma of caramel, malt, some fruitiness and some yeast. Flavor is sweet and malty with some caramel and some bitterness. Medium body, average carbonation.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Gjerberg Lys Østbygding
Sampled form a 0.33l bottle @ The brewery. This is a as clear kinda golden looking one, lots of small unfiltered particles in the glass and it has a small light lacing off-white head. On the nose it’s giving me a good amount of pale malts, it’s light floral, soft malt sweet and traces of grass. It has a really round and lightdribkable flavor. It feels light oily on the mouth and it’s just below average on the bubbles. A little watery perhaps, but it’s not to watery. Soft grainy, and clean easy lightdrinkable one. Not to exciting though. 15.02.2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Sampled from a 0.33l bottle @ the brewery. This is a kinda blurry, perhaps light cloudy deep amber almost bronze colored and it has a nice medium sized soft beige top. On the nose it had bit a sweetness and a clear fruitiness. Almost honey-melon sweetness with dark candied sugar and some caramel. Smells quite nice, gentle and nice. This one also has a really round and balanced flavor. It’s somewhat dark caramel infused in the taste with subtle hints of dark fruits and malt drops. Yeah, quite a good one! 15.02.2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Sampled from a 0.33l bottle @ the brewery. In the glass this one has a light cloudy deep amberish looks with a medium sized light lacing beige head. A but mild nose perhaps. It has a caramel sweetness combined with a little bit of butter, mild berry fruitiness and traces of hops. Not very IPA-ish on the aroma to be honest. Tastes a bit like a English style IPA. If you can call it an IPA. It has a bitter punch, but as good as no fruitiness or citrus taste. It has a nice oily mouthfeel and the carbonation is spot on how it should be. Grassy mouthdrying finish and aftertaste here. Would not call this an IPA, but it’s not a bad beer at all. 15.02.2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Gjerberg Jul

Bottle 330ml. @ [ The pre Fastelavn Smagning - Carnival Tasting, Ulfborg ].

[ As Gjerberg Jul ].
Clear medium amber color with a small to average, fizzy, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, off-white head. Aroma is light moderate malty, caramel, sweet malt, candy, malt extract - boild malt. Flavour is moderate sweet with a long duration, sweet malt, sugary, spicy notes. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft. [20140228]

Monday, March 31, 2014

Gjerberg Lys Østbygding
15.02.2014. 0,33l Bottle at Gjerberg bryggeri, Østbygda. Pale hazy yellow colour with white head. Sweet malty aroma. Fresh soft bitterness. Moderate body. Desend good beer.
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
15.02.2014. 0,33l Bottle at Gjerberg bryggeri, Østbygda. Dark brown colour with white head. Sweet malty and rather rich. Strong. Cereal. Very nice! Honey, dark malts with good sweetness.
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
15.02.2014. 0,33l Bottle at Gjerberg bryggeri, Østbygda. Dark amber colour with white head. Malty. Spicy with fresh yeasty notes. Medium bitterness.
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Gjerberg Lys Østbygding
Sample from bottle at the brewery. Deep golden colour, moderate white head. Aroma of green apples and a little caramel. The flavour has some caramel (but the beer is brewed only with pilsener malt - the wort of all their beers is boiled very vigorously over a gas flame, which seems to caramelize the wort a bit), and decent hops in the finish.
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Sample from bottle at the brewery. Dark amber colour, moderate off-white head. Aroma of caramel, some hops. Nice hoppy flavour, not extreme for an IPA though.
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Sample from bottle at the brewery. Deep reddish brown colour, moderate off-white head. Aroma and flavour of caramel, hints of anise, but the beer is not spiced. Moderate hops. The hops used are Pilgrim for bittering, EKG for flavour and Fuggles for aroma.
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
33cl brown bottle as gift from Rune , thanks! Brownish body, beige hue, quite frothy. Scents of roasted sweet malts, dried fruits as prunes, pine, butterscotch, herbs, and a dog (hint from spout). Taste; citrus hops, malts, toffee stuff, orange peel, Body medium, carbonation gentle, alright to palate. Finishes with roasted malty stuff, bitterness still playing along with it. Overall decent brew, an IPA with sweet sides, which makes it a cozy drink.
Friday, March 21, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Bottle at Fastelavn Smagning 2014 @ J&C’s beer palace, Jutland 28/02/14. Hazed dark orange amber with moderate beige spotting/edgework. Nose is over ripened fruit, toffee, spice, straw. Taste comprises brown sugars, dark fruits, toffee, light spice. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, semi drying close. So so, doesn’t offer much but isn’t offensive either!
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
33 cL bottle. Hazy brown with a small white head. Aroma is perfumed and malty. Bitter and dry malty, perfumed. Dry and herbal. Bitter and herbal finish.
Friday, February 28, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Bottle @ fonefan tasting. Clear dark amber with an off-white head. Aroma is sweet, malty, caramel and spicy. Flavor is quite sweet and light bitter. Sweet finish. 280214
Friday, February 28, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Bottle @ fonefan tasting. Nice head with good duration. Color is amber. Aroma and taste are caramel, nuts, malt and hops.
Friday, February 28, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Sample from a 33cl bottle at Gjerberg Bryggeri. Pours deep amber with a tan head. Sweet and candy like aroma with hoppy notes, fruits, herbs, caramel and hints of pine. Medium sweet with a fairly moderate bitterness. Not quite my thing, but fairly decent. (2014-02-15)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Sample from a 33cl bottle at Gjerberg Bryggeri. Pours dark amber with an off-white head. Sweet malty and caramelly with hints of dried fruits, vanilla and spices. Some mild, yeasty notes and a hint of alcohol. Medium sweet with some dryness and bitterness in the finish. Quite decent, but a bit to sweet for my taste. (2014-02-15)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
330ml bottles shared with other ratebeerians at Gjerberg Gårdsbryggeri. Slightly unclear amber coloured body topped by a frothy off-white head. Roasted aromas, notes of caramel and dried fruits. Roasted sweet malty flavours with leafy hops beneath. More sweet than bitter on the ending. Medium bodied. Half way pleasing (Tour de Østfold, RBNG 15.02.2014).
Monday, February 24, 2014

Gjerberg Jul
Shared 330ml bottles visiting Gjerberg Gårdsbryggeri. Spotty lacing from a large beige head. Close to clear, amber coloured body. Malt-fruity taste with a touch of dark spices. Spiced caramel flavours. Mid-sweet ending, moderate roastiness to it. Dominated by malty sweetness. Alright in smaller amounts (Tour de Østfold, RBNG 15.02.2014).
Monday, February 24, 2014

Gjerberg Lys Østbygding
Shared 330ml bottles on a visit to Gjerberg Gårdsbryggeri. Huge, foamy white lacing-head to a golden coloured body with a slight haze. Quite fresh aroma of fruity hops and slightly smoked malts. Flavours of pale malts and dusty hops, lightly spiced. Bittersweet endnotes. Soft carbonated. Satisfying (Tour de Østfold, RBNG 15.02.2014).
Monday, February 24, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Appearance: Hazy dark golden color with a fine white head. Ok lacing.
Aroma: Caramel malty, butterscotch, hoppy and some fruity notes.
Palate: Medium + body. Slight sweet and a fresh bitterness. Average carbonation.
Taste: Citric hoppy, butterscotch and fruity on a solid malty back.
Overall impression: Fresh and tasty IPA. I would have wished a little bit more hopps. And a bit less butterscotch
Personal stats: Bottle at Gjerberg Bryggeri in Rakkestad, Norway

Monday, February 17, 2014

Gjerberg IPA
Bottle @Gjerberg Bryggeri. Clear brownish-red body. Foamy yellow-shaded blond head. Subtle hop aroma leaving a scent of oranges, apricot and grass. Hint of butter and creamed caramel. Medium full. Slick in the mouth. Taste is sweetish malty with notes of butterscotch. Firm bitterness with a mild citrussy hop flavor. A light harshness in a sweet and bitter-ish ending. [RBNG2014, Toer de Østfold]
Sunday, February 16, 2014