Nehalem Bay Winery Reviews

Nehalem Bay Honey Mead
750 ml. bottle, thanks Poisoneddwarf- Pours slightly hazy light golden. The aroma is boozy, white wine, like pinot grigio, tart and acidic. The taste is smooth and honey, with a acidic winey taste mixed in. Palate is smooth and coats the mouth. Overall I have had better, but this is still tasty.
Friday, September 21, 2012

Nehalem Bay Honey Mead
750 ml bottle bought at the winery last June. Pours still, pale gold. All I smell is dry white wine in the nose when it’s refrigerator cold--pinot grigio comes to mind. As it warms, the honey comes out fairly strong, but it still never overpowers that grape aroma. Taste is delicious, honey-sweet and a little tart in the finish. Mouthfeel is nice and velvety. Very tasty...I haven’t drank a mead in a long time and I don’t know why. I really like them.
Sunday, September 16, 2012