Bauernhofbrauerei Bergmair Reviews

Sandberg Dunkel
1 l bottle. Pours a lightly hazy amber with an unstable off-white head. The aroma is lightly malty (sweetish grains) and lightly yeasty (doughy); some cardboard. Medium creamy body with a low carbonation, a light to medium sweetness and a light bitterness towards the finish. The flavor is malty with caramel, some honey and lightly fruity (pear).

Appearance: 4
Taste: 6
Palate: 4
Overall: 10

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sandberg Gold
1 l bottle. Pours a lightly hazy golden with an unstable white head. The aroma is malty with sweetish grains, dried apples and some lightly grassy hop notes. Medium body with a low carbonation, a light to medium sweetness and a light bitterness; rather well balanced. The flavor is again malty with bread, biscuit, sweet grains, dried fruits (apples, pears) and a light herbal hoppy bitterness in the finish. High drinkability.

Appearance: 3
Taste: 7
Palate: 4
Overall: 12

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sandberg Dunkel
1 litre bottle, bb 15.08.2017, shared by PowY, thanks!
Dark Amber-brownish, hazy body, with some floaties and a big, creamy, lacing, beige head.
Aroma of bread, grains, caramel, toast, some roast, some honey
Tastes quite similar, but a bit lighter.
Medium, slick mouthfeel, with an average carbonation.
Finishes bready, grainy, a bit toasty, a bit sweet, with slight cardboard.

Good. Not too sweet fortunately, with nice bready and toasty notes. Gets a bit unclean towards the finish, with slight cardboard notes. Still a solid, well drinkable style example.

Aroma/Appearance/Taste/Palate/Overall: 6/4/6/3/13

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sandberg Dunkel
1l from flip-top bottle shared by Powy, big thanks. BB 15.08.2017. copper hazy color, small off white head. smells musty, rubbery, barnyard, rather weird smell, not a fan. medium body, light carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes of caramel, spices, bit grainy, dark bread, light chlorophyl, bit grassy. finishes lightly bitter with notes of chlorophyl, caramel and some grainy / grassy notes. taste is ok but did not like the smell. overall still ok.
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sandberg Gold
1 litre bottle, bb 05.08.2017, shared by PowY, thanks!
Dark golden, moderate hazy body, with a medium, fluffy, off-white head.
Aroma of grains, flowers, grass, some hay, some bread, some herbs.
Tastes quite similar, with some more honey and a bit more fresh herbal notes.
Medium, a bit oily mouthfeel, with an average carbonation.
Finishes grainy, floral, grassy, a bit spicy,

Nice one. Quaffable and rustic, with the typical notes of the style, but very well balanced, with just enough hoppiness and malt body. Very solid style example.

Aroma/Appearance/Taste/Palate/Overall: 6/4/7/4/13

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sandberg Gold
1l from bottle shared by Powy, big thanks. BB 05.08.2017. yellow lightly hazy color, small white head. smells of ripe fruits, light caramel, bit parfumy, nutty, decent smell. medium body, soft carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes of bread, malty, light caramel, tobacco, light grass, bit nutty. finishes lightly sweet with notes of caramel, bread and light nuts. quite nice one, good balance. great to drink.
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sandberg Dunkel
2 l bottle from the brewery: Pale amber color, light off-white head. Aroma is malty, very few caramel, light acid note. Flavor is grainy/malty, metal, some acid, few bitterness. Quite tasteless.
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sandberg Gold
1 l bottle from the brewery: Pale golden color, medium white head. Quite corny aroma, some grassy hop notes. Flavor is also quite grainy, corny, sweetish. Shy grassy hops and bitterness. Taste like a cheap Helles or international Lager.
Sunday, October 30, 2016