California Brewing Company Reviews

California Yosemite Falls IPA
Densely clouded orange appearance. Orange fruity aroma. Dry, spicy, grapefruit flavor, not too heavily bitter. Mild biscuity malt body adds some balance.
Wednesday, March 8, 2006

California Bavarian Wheat
Dense, pale, thickk milky appearance. Aroma of banana yeast and roses. Light palate, sweet banana fruitiness, mildly sour towards the end, light citrussy finish.
Wednesday, March 8, 2006

California Sequoia Redwood Red Ale
Cinnamon-red appearance. A light Newcastle Brown in an amber body. Little taste and character. Others chimed in with 'bad taste' and 'no character'. Will try this one again to be sure. This one certainly fails to hold its own against their wonderful IPA.
Thursday, January 17, 2002

California Yosemite Falls IPA
Fresh, natural fruity hops nose. This brew does an excellent job of hiding its relatively high alcohol content. Front develops as the glass warms. Clean, fresh hops-heavy mid. Nice bitter finish. Good example of a West Coast IPA
Monday, January 14, 2002