Sternbräu Elsendorf Reviews

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Das Friedel Bräu Kellerbier habe ich bei Landbierparadies24 gekauft. Es ist in eine Euro Flasche abgefüllt und hat 5,5% Alkohol angegeben. Der Geruch hat Eiweiß und Röstaromen. Die dunkel bernsteinfarbige, trübe Flüssigkeit hat eine üppige, feinporige und stabile Krone. Beim Antrunk trocken und rezent mit zu starken Eiweiß Aromen. Der Körper hat gut getreidiges Umami zu bieten. Lässt man sich auf die urtümliche Art Bier zu trinken ein, ist auch das Eiweiß akzeptabel. Beim Abgang ganz wenig Gras im Eiweißsee. Eins davon kann man am Abend trinken, dann würde ich aber doch auf ein anderes Bier wechseln.
Monday, December 5, 2022

Sternbräu Elsendorf Bockbier
„Sternbräu Bockbier“, Flasche (50 cl) vom Landgasthof Sternbräu, „hergestellt & abgefüllt von Brauerei Friedel, Zentbechhofen“. - Rotgold, leicht opak. - In der Nase warm toastiges Malz, etwas breitere bocktypische Malzsüße, Vanille, dezente Butter, mild orangenfruchtiger Hopfen. - Antrunk ein wenig fülliger toastmalzig mit zarten Röstnoten, dezenter Malzsüße, zart fruchtiger Säure und Anklängen an Rosinen und Weinbrandpralinen. Im Hintergrund dezente orangenfruchtig-hopfenwürzige Herbe, gefolgt von einem ganz zart muffigen Hauch. Sehr sauberer gerstiger Körper. Mild rezent, für einen Bock fast schlank, perfekt kaschierter Alkohol. Mild trockener, fein orangenherber Abgang. - Auch der Bock ist wie die anderen Biere, die Friedel für Sternbräu braut, sehr sauber und stimmig mit feinen Aromen komponiert, aber für einen Bock fast etwas zu leicht. Gleichwohl auf seine Art erstklassig. (Verkostung: 18.5.2018.)
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
„Sternbräu Pilsner“, Flasche (50 cl) vom Landgasthof Sternbräu, „hergestellt & abgefüllt von Brauerei Friedel, Zentbechhofen“. - Goldgelb, leicht opal. - In der Nase angenehm getreidiges helles Malz, dezente Butter, mild hopfenwürziger Hopfen. - Antrunk satt hellmalzig mit sauberer Gerste, ganz dezenter Vanillesüße und feinster, hocharomatisch kräuterig-zitroniger Hopfung. Mild rezent, etwas vollmundiger als sortentypisch, weich. Gediegen zitronig gehopfter Abgang. - Was sich in der Beschreibung so banal anhört, ist tatsächlich ein äußerst schmackhaftes, da enorm stimmiges, mit allerfeinsten Aromen komponiertes Pilsner süddeutscher Prägung, weich, rund und ohne die aggressive Herbe eines norddeutschen Pilsners. Große Klasse! (Verkostung: 18.5.2018.)
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
„Sternbräu Kellerbier“, Flasche (50 cl) vom Landgasthof Sternbräu, „hergestellt & abgefüllt von Brauerei Friedel, Zentbechhofen“. - Wunderschönes Rotgold, leicht opak. - In der Nase angenehm toastiges Malz, dezente Butter, aromatische orangenfruchtige Herbe. - Antrunk satt toastig-malzaromatisch und gerstig mit milder röstig-nussiger Note, karamellig aber kaum süß, zart rauchig. Trockene zitrusfruchtige Hopfenherbe. Gut rezent, schlank und trocken. Kräftig hopfenherber Abgang, langer Nachtrunk. - Schlank, sauber gerstig-malzig und knackig gehopft – ein Kellerbier ganz nach meinem Geschmack! (Verkostung: 17.5.2018.)
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Bernsteinfarbenes Bier mit einer geringen weißen Schaumkrone. Geruch leicht röstmalzig, Karamell, reife Früchte. Geschmack würzig, sehr malzig, viel Karamell, nussig.
Monday, December 29, 2014

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Klares goldgelbes Bier mit einer geringen weißen Schaumkrone. Geruch getreidig malzig, leicht süß, gering hopfig, floral. Geschmack gering bitter gehopft, grasig, malzig, leicht süß.
Monday, December 29, 2014

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Klares goldgelbes Bier mit einer ordentlichen weißen Schaumkrone. Geruch leicht süß malzig, Citrus, getreidig. Geschmack sehr malzig, getreidig, leicht süß, langweilig.
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Rating from 2009. Dunkelgoldene Farbe, süßlich-milder Geruch. Der Antrunk ist vollmundig-weich, fruchtig. Leicht herb, frisch-fruchtig. Im Nachgeschmack lang anhaltend frisch-herb-blumig, schön rund und ausgewogen. Im letzten Tel des Nachgeschmacks feinherb-mild.
Leckeres Pils, schön süffig & ausgewogen herb. 10/12/10/10

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Rating from 2009. Dunkel Bernsteinfarbe, süßlich-neutraler Geruch. Der Antrunk ist vollmundig-süßlich, für ein Helles sehr aromatisch-voll. Zum hauptteil kommt eine deutliche Herbe hinzu, leicht penetrant-pelziger Nachgeschmack. Würzig, aber irgendwie muffig. Schade. 5/9/3/4
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sternbräu Elsendorf Zwickel Pils
Tap, tasted in august 2005: hefetrübes at the brewery. Lemon in aroma and flavor. Just a bit of cream. There is a not very outspoken, but pleasant hop character.
Monday, May 16, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
From tap at the brewpub. It’s dark amber with a creamy head and a mild aroma with notes of caramel and malt. The flavour has a light sweetness and notes of caramel, malt, light syrup and the finish is dry.
Monday, May 16, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
From tap at the brewpub. It’s warm golden with a creamy and lasting head. The aroma is mild with notes of malt, light soap and caramel. The flavour is rather sweet with notes of malt, light caramel and the finish is dry. IMO it leans towards a dunkel.
Monday, May 16, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
From tap at the brewpub. It’s hazy golden with a creamy, white and lasting head. The aroma is mild with notes of malt, flowers and light biscuits. The flavour is moderately sweet with notes of malt and flowers, and the finish is dry.
Monday, May 16, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Herb-muffiger Antrunk und Verlauf mit lascher Hefe. Bleibend, das Getreide bindet sich an die äußerst milde Herbe und wird stärker. Zum Ende aber dann doch süßer und leicht wässrig. 10/7/7/6//6
Friday, May 6, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Malzig-gerstiger, eher harmloser Antrunk. Später wird das Bier frischer, die Aromen entfalten sich. Etwas hopfiger und herber, angenehm, auch wenn das Malz hier keinen großen Stellenwert beseitzt und unter den Tisch fällt. Nett, mehr aber nicht. 8/9/9/9//9
Friday, May 6, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Süß-getreidig, etwas herber Antrunk, plörrig wirkend. Muffig, wenig ausgeprägt, das Getreide kommt im Mittelteil in schwacher Form hervor. Monoton. 10/7/7/8//8
Friday, May 6, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Zwickel Pils
Muffiger, wenig herber Antrunk, süffig. Die Herbe wirdmit der Zeit authentischer und kommt deutlicher zur Geltung, das Bier bleibt aber mild und süffig, durch entsprechende Süße wird die Herbe und auch der Hopfen entschärft. Könnte charakterstärker sein. 11/8/10/8//8
Friday, May 6, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Bottle. Pours a dark golden color with a small off-white head. Has a fruity grainy and slightly buttery caramel aroma. Fruity malty buttery caramel flavor. Has a fruity malty caramel finish.
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
500ml bottle - at ChrisO’s - thanks!
5 Big butter aroma
3 Rich red, tiny head
4 Scarily buttery taste.
2 Ditto, butter everywhere.
6 Nope. Too massively buttery. Ruins all sense of the beer behind that.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Bottled. A dark amber beer with an off-white head. The aroma has notes of malt and caramel. The flavor is sweet with notes of malt and caramel, leading to a lightly bitter finish. The body is light.
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
clear caramelly brown, small white head. strong sweet caramelly sweet malty aroma, flavor is soursh, berries, caramel, butter. doesnt taste good. palate is a bit gluey. not my taste.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Bottle 50 cl. Courtesy of fonefan. Clear dark amber with a rough and dissipating off-white head. Sweet caramel and honey in the nose with a honey touch. Medium body, very low carbonation, hard roasted malts, some flowery hop accents and a smoky touch. Surprisingly bitter finish. There’s a metallic touch and a light tartness. As fresh I bet this could be a great beer. 171110
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Bottle at yespr. Clear golden coloured with a small white head. Malty aroma of hay, caramel and hops. Malty flavour of hay, caramel and hops. Sweet and hoppy finish.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Bottle at yespr. Clear golden coloured with a small white head. Sweet aroma of malts, caramel, hops and butterscotsch. Fruity flavour of caramel, hops and berries. Hoppy and berryish finish.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Bottled. A dark golden beer with a thin white head. The aroma has notes of malt. The flavor is sweet with notes of malt and straw, leading to a bitter finish.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Bottled. An amber beer with a thin fast disappearing off-white head. The aroma has notes of malt and caramel. The flavor is sweet with notes of malt, caramel, and a bit of spices, leading to dry finish.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Bottle 50 cl. Courtesy of fonefan. Clear deep golden with a white head. Malty nose, some aroma hops. Medium body, malty and metallic with a solid if somewhat rough hop bite. 121010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
50 cL bottle, courtesy of Papsoe. Pours clear and golden orange with a fully gone head. Aroma is cornish and slight metallic. Bitter, cornish and slight grassy. Bitter and slight cornish finish.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Bottle 50 cl. Courtesy of fonefan. Cear deep golden with a small white head. Malty and slightly smoky nose. Medium body, tart, malty, fruity and metallic. Fairly bitter finish. Clearly infected. 121010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
50 cL bottle, courtesy of Papsoe. Pours clear and golden orange with a fully gone head. Aroma is grassy and slight cornish. Smoked, metallic and slight cornish. Dry smoked and cornish finish.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Cloudy golden with a tiny white head. Malty flavour with grassy hops. Flavour was dry with grassy hops and hints of malt. Finished dry and bitter.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Cloudy golden with a off white head. Aroma had straws, grassy hops and hints of malt. Flavour was bone dry with malt, grassy hops and straws. Finished dry and bitter.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Clear deep amber with a large off white head. Aroma had roasted malt, diacetyl, caramel and barnyard. Flavour had roasted malt, caramel, rye bread, smoke and barnyard. Finished smoked and dry.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
From the Bottle at Chris O’s, Kensal Rise 05/08/2010 Some diacetyl. Amber coloured malty smooth and slightly sweet on the palate with a hint of bitterness in a dry finish.
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel

Bottle 500ml.

Clear medium amber color with a average, frothy, good lacing, mostly lasting - diminishing, off-white grey head. Aroma is moderate malty, caramel, toffee, buttery. Flavor is moderate to light light heavy sweet and light moderate bitter with a average to long duration. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft. [20100805]

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell

Bottle 500ml. @ home.

Clear medium yellow orange color with a small, fizzy, virtually none lacing, fully diminishing, off-white to white head. Aroma is moderate malty, grain, toasted, cereal, light hoppy and buttery. Flavor is moderate sweet and light bitter with a average duration, rotten water. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft to flat. [20100810]

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner

Bottle 500ml. @ home.

Clear medium orange yellow color with a small to average, frothy to fizzy, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, white to off-white head. Aroma is light moderate malty, grain, toasted, light hoppy, citrus. Flavor is moderate sweet and light bitter with a average duration. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft to flat. [20100810]

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
50 cL bottle. Pours clear and golden orange with a small and off-white head. Aroma is butterish and malty. Sweet malty, caramelish and slight breadish. Sweet malty and butterish finish.
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Bottled. Amber colour, small beige head. Aroma is diacetyl, rubber, some fruits, mild sweet maltyness as well as some earth. Flavour is fruits, wood, some toffee, diacetyl and mild notes of earth.
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Bottle, 4.7% bought at the brewpub. Almost clear copper colour. The flavour starts off malty, turns slightly smoked. Medium bitterness, slightly rough.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
Draught at the brewpub. Buttery aroma. Cloudy dark brown colour. Small stable off-white head. The flavour is mildly buttery, a bit too much, but not to my liking. Rough bitterness, but OK. Very late smoke aftertaste.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Draught at the brewpub. Fine hay aroma. Cloudy golden colour. Big stable creamy white head. The flavour starts off with a flowery hop note, good bitterness. Seems to have the faintest smoke note. High bitterness in the finish, quite clean.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
0.5 l bottle. Golden color with small head. Sweet, malty, grainy and caramelly aroma with a hint of something weird (petrol?). Very malty, bittersweet and hoppy flavor with herbal, peppery and floral hops.
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
Golden colored, medium sized white head. Nice buttery pils aroma with crispy hops and fruity lemon. Thin to medium bodied, somehow bland palated. Flavor is also rich with this butter-fruitiness, some dry cardboard can also be found. Aftertaste dries even more. Good pils, still this dry hops is even too strong here.
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Yellow colored with slightly hazy appearance. Little white head. Nice buttery aroma with lemon and crispy hops, good pils aroma. Thin to medium bodied. Flavor is even richer with same butter and hops. Surprisingly rich flavored, maybe even too rich because not in full balance. Hopped aftertaste with lemon and fruits.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sternbräu Elsendorf Kellerbier Dunkel
(bottle) Almost clear, dark amber colour with a medium-sized, slightly off-white foamy head. Slightly sweet and toasty malt aroma with cacao, light notes of caramel and a touch of barnyard, if not pig sty. Moderately sweet and light bitter flavour, light to medium bodied with a smooth carbonation. Minimal toasty malty taste with light notes of caramel, subtle fruity with a rural barnyardy notes; moderately dry, sweet-bitter finish with a soft hoppy touch. Bought this one not a week ago at the brewery and a light infection has already started; anyway a pleasant and quaffable Kellerbier.
Monday, July 30, 2007

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
(bottle) Clear, golden colour with a short foamy white head. Sweet and strong grainy nose with a fruity tinge and a light herbal hoppy touch. Sweet-bitter flavour, grainy malty, slightly chalky and subtle fruity taste; sweet and slightly bitter, grainy and light bitter finish. Another pretty uncommon Pilsener from Franconia. Tastes much more like a Helles, but a good one.
Monday, July 30, 2007

Sternbräu Elsendorf Hell
(bottle, bought at the Brauereigasthof) Clear, golden colour with a short foamy white head. Slightly sweet aroma with pale malt character and an interesting spicy touch of ethereal notes (thyme), accompanied by a touch of herbal hops. Bitter-sweet flavour, light bodied with a medium to soft carbonation. Robust malty base with a touch of cara-malt in the wings; dry, bitter-sweet and chalky finish with discreet herbal, slightly spicy hoppy notes.
Monday, July 30, 2007

Sternbräu Elsendorf Bockbier
Brewery tap. Steinkrug. Had several during the Bockbieranstich on may 25th in Elsendorf. The brewery yard was packed with locals in spite of the bad weather. Full boded. Malty. Even a bit smoky. Burning alcohol (is it really only 6.5% ABV?)Vinous. Packed with flowery hops. Indifferent aroma, but with a long bitter aftretaste. The bitterness in the mouth hides the power of this bockbeer somewhat. Great beer, not only because of the atmosphere.
Monday, May 29, 2006

Sternbräu Elsendorf Pilsner
Hated the aroma, reminded me a little of urine. Pale golden color, small white head that disappears completely, few lace. Watery, bitter, metalic, chemical. Long lasting finish with a nasty bitterness.
Wednesday, July 16, 2003