Ozaki Shuzo Reviews

Ozaki Kumano Sanzan
Sushi place at Owase. Pours totally transparent, looks pretty much like waster, only viscosity seems to be different. Fresh nose, light pears but not much sweetness and rice character is subdued as well. Taste has some sweetness and is fruity but pretty dry. Light alcohol burn is warming the mouth, sone spices. Fresh and fragrant, alcohol quite subdued. Tasty and refreshing sake.
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Ozaki Andou Suigun Daiginjo Sake
Small 180 ml blue bottle. Clear with a light straw color, like a glass of Fume Blanc. Scent of anise and a moldy pile of hay, alcohol noticeable. A sweet front with mild melon and licorice flavors, the sweetness continues through the nutty middle. Finish also with mild sweetness with a warm follow. Nice feel, not sticky.
Saturday, November 4, 2006

Ozaki Andou Suigun Daiginjo Sake
180mL Bottle: Pours clear with a tinge of beige around the side but mostly clear, nice thick lacing. The nose is actually fairly heavy with alcohol but a nice koji, peach and floral sweetness and a dry dusty character. The flavor is more balanced with a good slap of umami on the palate along with the sweet fruits, dry koji mouthfeel and a zesty citrusy finish. A bit of medicinal jagerlike anise notes in the finish, but it’s all around very drinkable, subtle, complex and deserving of the Daiginjo title.Thanks to IslandHaole for this rare gem!
Friday, October 27, 2006