Indianapolis Brewing Co. Reviews

Indianapolis Duesseldorfer Amber Ale

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Indianapolis Duesseldorfer Amber Ale
12oz bottle (Old Notes-Dubuque Brewing)-Pours a medium amber with a small head. Aroma of malt and caramel. Taste of the same. This light to medium bodied brew is not that good.
Friday, May 30, 2014


Indianapolis Duesseldorfer Amber Ale
This brewery has been closed for some time, but I used to get this beer whenever I encountered it, which wasn't often. Its not really an American Amber - I never even realized it was an ale. It was definitely German in character, and I had thought of it as a Pre-Prohibition style amber lager. It was clean, fairly smooth, and rather drinkable. Not all that great in the end, but I do kinda miss it.
Thursday, February 21, 2002