Cervecería Amazónica Reviews

Cerveza Iquiteña

Friday, April 29, 2016

Cerveza Iquiteña
We had this beer at a pizzaplace on vacation in Iquitos, Peruvian Amazon. It is really light and easy drinkable and for me it tastes more like carbonated water than a lager beer. My wife and her sister really enjoyed it so maybe its a good choice for people who like really light beer. While in Iquitos i noticed many of the locals mixing Cusqueña (mainstream peruvian lager) and carbonated water, so maybe thats the taste they desire.
Friday, July 24, 2015

Cerveza Bahia Pura Malt
A pale blonde lager with a thick frothy white head. In aroma, light grassy malt with light grassy German hops, light mineral notes. In mouth, light grassy adjunct laced malt with light grassy German hops, light mineral notes, boring. Can from Ketal supermarket, La Paz.
Friday, July 10, 2015

Cerveza Bahia Pura Malt
Looks like this can is brewed in Bolivia but with the same name as the Peru brewer. Also the can doesn’t look like any of the other "bahia" beers, which makes the whole deal rather confusing. So all of that effort to say that it has a quick disappearing bleach white head and brighter yellow body. Smelly cardboard aroma. Flavour of nothing at all with a dry finish. Yes, another South American pale lager that disappears into the crowd.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cerveza Amazónica
The coldness is a benefit, but that has nothing to do with the beer. Not much taste and kind of a strange aftertaste.
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Cerveza Amazónica
Bottle at Casa Fitzcarradlo in Iquitos, Peru. Really one of the lightest, most watery beers I’ve had. No off flavours, but really pretty bad. I suppose in the heat and humidity of the amazon jungle this is what people want to drink, but overall it’s kind of garbage.
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Cerveza Iquiteña Extra
Had on vacation in Peru. Darker gold with small offwhite head and no lacing. Aroma and flavor have a strong malt and light sweetness. Fuller body and overall stronger flavor than regular Iquiteña
Friday, June 20, 2008

Cerveza Iquiteña
Had on vacation in Peru. Light yellow color with small white head and no lacing. Very light in flavor and aroma with a sweet fruitiness, almost like a pilsner.
Friday, June 20, 2008