
Saint Arnold Icon Green - Texas Common

Saint Arnold Brewing Company
Houston, Texas
Beer style: California Common / Steam Beer
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
This red amber beer holds a nice creamy head. The aroma is full of tropical fruit. The flavor starts with a pleasant combination of fruit and malt and then goes to a long, dry bitter with just a hint of malt hanging on all the way. The inspiration for this beer comes from San Francisco steam beers, but since the name “Steam” has been trademarked by Anchor Brewing, these beers are referred to as California Common Beers. We took a hoppier twist on this and thus named the style Texas Common. We fermented with the “San Francisco Lager” yeast at ale-like temperatures as is characteristic of the California Common style. We used only one hop variety in this beer: Mosaic. This is a fairly new hop varietal, released in 2012 and is known for its distinct but complex tropical and citrus aroma and flavor. The tropical aspects come through well in our Texas Common. This beer is best enjoyed at 40° to 55°F.