Category: MILD ALE



AllGates Beltane (5.7%)

Wigan Brew House (prev AllGates)
Wigan, Greater Manchester
Ref: Jun2024

Common descriptors are
Cask; Seasonal - May.
Note: Beltane is due to reappear in May 2013 but with a lower abv of 4.7% and a revised recipe, so will be a new beer for the purposes of the RateBeer database.

A Black Country style Ruby Mild - a classic Dark Ruby Mild.
Beltane was originally brewed in March 2010 as Weapon of Mash Destruction (WMD) and is typical of a strong Black Country style Mild. It is intensely dark, almost black in colour, with a lovely red tinge. It has a coffee coloured head, bubbly to begin with, but settles down quickly to form a thickish covering. The aromas are predominantly malty, but with a pleasant fruit smell - almost wine-like and seem to smell of grapes, plums and raisins. The texture is rich and full bodied for a Mild. It feels smooth in the mouth and has a silky texture.
The main flavours are rich fruit, malt and hops - it tastes strong and it is! The initial fruitiness mingles with a caramel/toffee flavour, with elements of nuttiness from the roasted malt. To start it seems very sweet, but this is replaced by an increasing bitter dryness that comes through in the finish. The aftertaste is lingering and has a pleasant fruit aspect.
Remember it is VERY easy to drink, but is strong and should be treated with respect and caution.