

Carmody Orange Porter

Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing Company
Duluth, Minnesota
Beer style: Flavored - Fruit
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
A roasty porter with 2.5 lbs. of orange peel added to both the boil and the fermenter. Adds a citrusy effervescence, balances well with roast flavors.



Carmody Orange Porter

Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing Company
Duluth, Minnesota
Beer style: Flavored - Fruit
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
A roasty porter with 2.5 lbs. of orange peel added to both the boil and the fermenter. Adds a citrusy effervescence, balances well with roast flavors.



Carmody Orange Porter

Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing Company
Duluth, Minnesota
Beer style: Flavored - Fruit
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
A roasty porter with 2.5 lbs. of orange peel added to both the boil and the fermenter. Adds a citrusy effervescence, balances well with roast flavors.



Carmody Orange Porter

Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing Company
Duluth, Minnesota
Beer style: Flavored - Fruit
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
A roasty porter with 2.5 lbs. of orange peel added to both the boil and the fermenter. Adds a citrusy effervescence, balances well with roast flavors.



Carmody Orange Porter

Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing Company
Duluth, Minnesota
Beer style: Flavored - Fruit
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
A roasty porter with 2.5 lbs. of orange peel added to both the boil and the fermenter. Adds a citrusy effervescence, balances well with roast flavors.



Carmody Orange Porter

Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing Company
Duluth, Minnesota
Beer style: Flavored - Fruit
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
A roasty porter with 2.5 lbs. of orange peel added to both the boil and the fermenter. Adds a citrusy effervescence, balances well with roast flavors.