
Platform New Cleveland Palesner

Platform Beer Company (AB InBev)
Cleveland, Ohio
Beer style: Pilsener / Pils / Pilsner
Ref: ratebeer.com Jun2024

Common descriptors are
Cleveland has always been a city of makers. Once the fifth-largest city in the nation, Cleveland’s hardworking residents rolled out an endless supply of iron and steel, cars and clothing, beer and whiskey. Those were heady times for the industrial Midwest. But fortunes change, factories close, jobs leave, and somewhere along the way we lost our will to create. That’s changing – and fast. Born of a desire to build, a whole new generation of makers are fueling what’s being branded a Rust Belt Revival. Artists, designers, builders, chefs and brewers once again are working to make Cleveland a capital of creation. But they’re not going it alone. The catchword these days is collaboration, powered by a mutual desire to return Cleveland to its rightful place of prominence. Want proof? You’re holding it, a unique beer birthed by two such makers: CLE Clothing Co. and Platform Beer. Part pale ale, part pilsner, 100% Cleveland.