
Brøckhouse IPA

Hillerød, Denmark
Beer style: IPA
Ref: ratebeer.com Apr2024

Common descriptors are
Danish: Brøckhouse India Pale Ale er en meget kraftigt humlet overgæret øl, brygget på almindelig dansk pilsner-, karamel- og Münchnermalt. Specialmaltene tilfører øllet en smule restsødme, som afbalancerer den kraftige humlesmag. Alen er brygget med tre forskellige humletyper for at få et mere kompleks smagsbillede: De engelske Northern Brewer og Fuggle samt den amerikanske Cascade. Brøckhouse India Pale Ale har et forholdsvis lavt indhold af kulsyre, fordi kulsyren ellers nemt overskygger de mange finere smagskomponenter i øllet. Bør serveres ved 10-12 grader.

English: Brøckhouse India Pale Ale is a very powerful top fermented ale brewed from ordinary pilsners malt, caramel- and münchners malt. The use of specialty malts adds a bit of sweetness to the ale and hence balancing the forceful hop flavour. The ale has been brewed with three kinds of hops in order to achieve a more complex palate. These are the British Northern Brewer and Fuggles along with the American Cascade. Brøckhouse India Pale Ale has a relatively low CO2 level not to cloak the variety of taste comportments in the ale. The ale should be served at 10-12 degrees celsius.