Old Nelson Food Company

Bottles: 60
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 15/20
Capa  (526) , Japan | January 18, 2013
More of a deli and corner grocery than anything, but they do have a decent selection of good beer. Six pack, bombers, and a few cold singles. I picked up a bottle of Trubbel de Yards and a sixer of the "shipped cold" Urquell for under $10 each, which for Philly is a pretty solid deal. Seems to really feature Belgian styles but they have a good selection of local and other popular American brews. I was pleasently surprised with the variety of beers they have. I think you have to take the beers with you and cannot open one with your sandwich but I’m not positive about that. Overall, a decent bottle selection near the train station. Perfect if you are about to hop on Amtrak and want a couple bottles to enjoy on the way.

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