Harris Teeter - Arlington

Mayor: jgb9348 (6) |
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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 10/20
Travlr  (4583) No fixed abode, Slovenia | June 21, 2012
Decent place compared to other grocery stores, with a much better beer selection than the HT in my neighborhood (which isn’t saying much). Don’t go out of your way for this one, but if you’re shopping here, do check out the beer section.
  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 5/10
  • SELECTION 7/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 6/10
  • OVERALL 10/20
BeerandBlues2  (1224) Woodland Park, Colorado | October 24, 2010
Well, it is a grocery store, albeit one with a decent enough beer selection, though the wine selection is larger. There are a handful of singles available along with the packaged micros and macros. You would be hard pressed to find something here that you could not get at any other beer store, the convenience here is that you can buy groceries too.
  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 5/10
  • SELECTION 8/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • OVERALL 11/20
j12601  (583) Poughkeepsie, New York | December 5, 2009
Took a little while to find this place as it’s actually underground or seems that way with the way the parking lot is. Another grocery store with a fairly good wine selection, and a decent amount of craft sixes, with a few bombers and 750s. A lot more macros than some of the others, and another place that I’d go for groceries and incidentally grab some beer, but not somewhere I’d go for beer as a destination. Seemed to be missing the large amount of Bell’s and Founders that some of the others have.

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