Brewed by Banks's Beer (Carlsberg Marston's Brewing Co.)
Style: Mild Ale
Wolverhampton, England
Serve in English pint


on tap


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RATINGS: 101   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.89/5   EST. CALORIES: 105   ABV: 3.5%
Keg and can: Filtered. Nitrokeg as Banks’s Original Smooth.
Name changed from Original to Mild to 2010.
Banks’s Original is brewed from local water and hops. A beautifully balanced beer, smooth and full bodied with a malty, warming and slightly fruity taste. It’s very easy drinking. Over one million pints are sold every week.

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BineStave59 (1) - Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, ENGLAND - MAR 23, 2024 does not count
UPDATED: MAR 23, 2024 Can poured. nut brown pint, aroma and taste of biscuit, dry fruit, caramel, some herbal bite. Quite syrupy texture and bittersweet aftertaste.

biilz (2297) - SPAIN - SEP 10, 2022
UPDATED: SEP 10, 2022 Аромат английский по хорошему, легкая жженка от солода, немного карамели, намеки на хлебную корочку, причем черного хлеба. Цвет полу темный, пенка средняя, не долгая. Вкус тоже достаточно ровный и питкий. Снова легкая карамелька, жженый солод, как будто хлеб слегка поджарили. При глотке немного ноток от хмеля и травянистости, но не горечи а скорее легкой сухости. В целом хорошо.

franclh (6151) - Dedemsvaart, NETHERLANDS - JUL 8, 2022
UPDATED: JUL 8, 2022 Blik 50cl thuis. Zacht, caramel, nutty, fruitig, rood fruit, wat citrus, hoppig, maltig, licht cacao. (8-7-2022).

PellicleScout54 (69) - West Yorkshire, ENGLAND - AUG 8, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 8, 2021 Poured from 500ml can at 3.5% abv. Aroma: Brown bready malt, raisins, other dried fruit, some caramel and biscuit. Appearance: Pours rich brown coloured with medium, frothy beige head and moderate-high carbonation. Taste: Dark fruits, bready malts, some toasted flavours, a bit of hop bitterness. Refreshing bitterness to start off, slightly sweet aftertaste. Not bad. Mouthfeel: Medium bodied ale with creamy head and fairly high carbonation, slight syrupy sweetness at the end. Overall: Good mild ale, well balanced flavour and goes down smooth. Nice and fully flavoured for the price and low abv. Enjoyable.

weirdbeered (439) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - JUN 27, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 27, 2021 Mahogany brown with a decent beige head. Faint aroma of malt and raisins. Taste is indistinct. Biscuit, cocoa and caramel, but watery. Sweet malty finish. Unremarkable.

FACambridge (1456) - Chelmsford, Essex, ENGLAND - SEP 8, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 8, 2020 Aroma : Medium roast sweet caramel malt, toasty malt bread, hints of dark fruits, a little boiled green veg and some damp earth. Taste : As aroma. Gentle sweet maltiness throughout. Sessionable decent mild

dragnet101 (4555) - Birmingham, West Midlands, ENGLAND - JUL 5, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 13, 2020 500ml can. Pours amber/brown with big beige frothy head. Aroma of malt, caramel and metallic notes. Low to moderate carbonation, quite watery for an ale. Malt and toast flavour, Quite sweet with a mild bitter and dry finish. Its solid enough but a bit boring.

Grumbo (20274) - Ipswich, Suffolk, ENGLAND - DEC 16, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 16, 2019 Bottle, from historic notes. Source not recorded. Poured dark amber / brown with a small off-white head. Aroma of roasted malt, bitter chocolate, caramel and a metallic edge. Moderate sweetness and bitterness. Light body, watery and slightly oily texture, average carbonation. Not great.

deepdrinker (384) - Leeds, ENGLAND - NOV 26, 2017
UPDATED: DEC 8, 2017 Back log rating so no not s in aroma , appearance etc . Just the saved rating from an old book

Banksiz (292) - Sacramento, California, USA - FEB 28, 2017
Faint plum-molasses nose. Some apple notes with hints of pineapple and apricot as it warms up and breathes. Medium-light body, but with no wateriness. Flavor sweet with an overlay of bitterness. Fantastic mild with excellent flavor for a 3.5% beer.

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