NoVa Road Trip / Drake’s 1.8x5K Rating


Join the DC crew and half of the Charlottesville crew as we tour some of the new breweries in the Northern Virginia area.

And I’ll be hitting 9K that day. Woot!

We are starting off with some breakfast at Magnolia’s At The Mill in Purcellville, 11AM.

Then our itinerary is free-form. Potential stops include:
Belly Love
Adroit Theory
The Beer Joint
Old Ox
Tin Cannon
Wild Run
Who knows where else?

Feel free to join us later on. Send me (Drake) a beermail so I can give you my phone # so you can track us down that day.

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BeerandBlues2 12/23/2014
I will try and meet you guys after I am done hiking.

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