

Beer Works Houblon Rouge with Brettanomyces

Beer Works
Boston, Massachusetts
Beer style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
This hoppy amber beer was brewed with Belgian yeast. A spicy/fruity aroma is balanced by a big hop backbone. Including two dry hop additions. This beer was then conditioned with the addition of brettanomyces, a wild yeast that lends a distinct character to the beer. Unfiltered.



Beer Works Houblon Rouge with Brettanomyces

Beer Works
Boston, Massachusetts
Beer style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
This hoppy amber beer was brewed with Belgian yeast. A spicy/fruity aroma is balanced by a big hop backbone. Including two dry hop additions. This beer was then conditioned with the addition of brettanomyces, a wild yeast that lends a distinct character to the beer. Unfiltered.



Beer Works Houblon Rouge with Brettanomyces

Beer Works
Boston, Massachusetts
Beer style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
This hoppy amber beer was brewed with Belgian yeast. A spicy/fruity aroma is balanced by a big hop backbone. Including two dry hop additions. This beer was then conditioned with the addition of brettanomyces, a wild yeast that lends a distinct character to the beer. Unfiltered.



Beer Works Houblon Rouge with Brettanomyces

Beer Works
Boston, Massachusetts
Beer style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
This hoppy amber beer was brewed with Belgian yeast. A spicy/fruity aroma is balanced by a big hop backbone. Including two dry hop additions. This beer was then conditioned with the addition of brettanomyces, a wild yeast that lends a distinct character to the beer. Unfiltered.



Beer Works Houblon Rouge with Brettanomyces

Beer Works
Boston, Massachusetts
Beer style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
This hoppy amber beer was brewed with Belgian yeast. A spicy/fruity aroma is balanced by a big hop backbone. Including two dry hop additions. This beer was then conditioned with the addition of brettanomyces, a wild yeast that lends a distinct character to the beer. Unfiltered.



Beer Works Houblon Rouge with Brettanomyces

Beer Works
Boston, Massachusetts
Beer style: Belgian Ale - Strong Pale
Ref: ratebeer.com Sep2024

Common descriptors are
This hoppy amber beer was brewed with Belgian yeast. A spicy/fruity aroma is balanced by a big hop backbone. Including two dry hop additions. This beer was then conditioned with the addition of brettanomyces, a wild yeast that lends a distinct character to the beer. Unfiltered.