
Uerige Sticke

Uerige Obergärige Hausbrauerei
Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia
Beer style: Altbier / Sticke Alt
Ref: ratebeer.com Jun2024

Common descriptors are
Carnival comes but once a year - and you can only enjoy Sticke beer at Uerige twice a year. It contains more malt and hops and has a higher alcoholic content than normal Altbier. And our guests appreciate it! In earlier days it used to be whispered hand over mouth that Uerige was serving Sticke again because the master brewer had portioned the ingredients too generously. With today’s fully-automated operation, this could not happen. So Sticke beer is brewed intentionally - and this certainly doesn’t negatively effect either its quality or taste. The two dates every year are always the same. The third Tuesday in January and October are the two Sticke days.