

First Chop / IMBC Figs & Syrup

First Chop Brewing
Eccles, Greater Manchester
Beer style: Low / No Alcohol Beer - Pale
Ref: ratebeer.com Jun2024

Common descriptors are
Cask; Special.

First Chop Figs & Syrup is our first ‘small beer’. Made in collaboration with the Indy Man Beer Con team, it’s a small brunette beer, single-hopped with Willamette and brewed with figs and molasses added to the boil. Coming in at 2.8 % ABV, this lower alcohol beer uses fruit is the brewing process, much like Extra Love Pale Mango Ale. The result balances rich and malty with the classic Willamette flavour and aroma to produce a flavour that belies it’s low alcohol content.