

Abbeydale Hells Bells / Hells Belles

Abbeydale Brewery
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Beer style: Strong Ale - English
Ref: ratebeer.com Jun2024

Common descriptors are
Cask; Seasonal - Winter.
Same beer, two labels.
Rather one beer with the official label for respectable establishments such as the one you drink in, and the limited-edition biker "let’s all vomit on each other and pretend we’re enjoying ourselves ’cos we’re hard" party special for weirdos, degenerates and mid-life delinquents.
The Belles alternative was insisted on by the brewery’s fine but temperamental* artist whose preferred mode of transport is either motorcycle or one of those special ambulances with a nicely padded interior and no handles on the inside of the doors.
OK, what can we say about the beer? Hells Bells is a winter-warmer special that’s not quite as seasonal as White Christmas, so we can sell more of it over a longer period and try and recoup some of the cost of the fantastically-expensive label design.
It’s a dark beer. It has that "cough-cure" puddingy flavour that tastes like you’re wrapped-up in a heavy warm coat with a big thick woolly scarf and mittens sipping mulled wine by a bonfire. Mulled wine? Oh yes. Trust us on this.