
Three Floyds Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout

Three Floyds Brewing Company
Munster, Indiana
Beer style: Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry
Ref: ratebeer.com Jul2024

Common descriptors are
Dark Lord is a demonic Russian-Style Imperial Stout brewed with coffee, Mexican vanilla, and Indian sugar. (2017 version) DarkLord is only available once a year at DarkLord Day at the Three Floyds Brewpub. Vintage guide: Red wax = 2004 Orange wax = 2005 Gold wax = 2006 Silver wax = 2007 Black wax = 2008 White wax = 2009 Green wax = 2010 - 15% ABV Yellow wax = 2011 - 15% ABV Red wax = 2012 - 15% ABV Orange wax = 2013 - New Label 15% ABV Blue wax = 2014 - 15% ABV Burgundy wax = 2015 Black speckled wax = 2016 Green speckled wax = 2017 Silver wax = 2018 Magenta wax = 2019 Black wax = 2020 - First Wrapped - Formula 1188520 Light blue wax = 2021 - Formula 1188520