
Westvleteren Blond

Abdij St. Sixtus - Westvleteren
Westvleteren, West Flanders
Beer style: Belgian Ale - Pale / Golden / Single
Ref: ratebeer.com Jul2024

Common descriptors are
Served cool, the beer turns a slightly cloudy blond with a dense head and plenty of bubbles. Pleasant, fresh and fruity aroma of citrus and a zest of lime. The taste is nicely balanced with the sweetness of the malt and a firm bitterness originating from the hops. The delicious citrus note provides a delicate and refreshing taste, which results in an excellent dry aftertaste. (from https://www.trappistwestvleteren.be/en/our-beers/trappist-westvleteren-blond) Westvleteren Blond is the basic beer for the monks’ own consumption, since 1999, when the former 6° dark ale (red cap) was finally discarded, after the 4° had already gone that path.