While being increasingly part of those who make beers rather than those who rate them, I find it increasingly difficult to actually rate beers, taken into account all the creative, time-wise, financial effort it takes to brew and then sell a beer. There are amazing 3-hektolitres-breweries run by one brewer and whole corporations with a big staff running the business. So how and what should you compare? It‘s getting difficult to compare, especially when getting to know the people behind the beer, and even more when they happen to be those courageous, passionate one-, two-, or three-men/women-shows with their existence really depending on the quality of every batch they brew and without the means to brew as consistently as the big players.
Favorite Style: None
Last seen Mar 30 2023
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While being increasingly part of those who make beers rather than those who rate them, I find it increasingly difficult to actually rate beers, taken into account all the creative, time-wise, financial effort it takes to brew and then sell a beer. There are amazing 3-hektolitres-breweries run by one brewer and whole corporations with a big staff running the business. So how and what should you compare? It‘s getting difficult to compare, especially when getting to know the people behind the beer,...
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