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May 2024 Ratings

UserPic for MrTipple MrTipple 398
UserPic for ogivlado ogivlado 116
UserPic for mcberko mcberko 107
UserPic for FatPhil FatPhil 96
UserPic for melush melush 84
UserPic for alex_leit alex_leit 78
UserPic for omhper omhper 74
UserPic for mansquito mansquito 71
UserPic for Marko Marko 69
UserPic for Theydon_Bois Theydon_Bois 64

New Users

UserPic for cblyle cblyle Idaho
UserPic for robghowie robghowie Aberdeenshire, Scotland
UserPic for BrewGuide172 BrewGuide172 Van Nuys, California
UserPic for TrappistForever60 TrappistForever60 Singapore
UserPic for BrewTun60 BrewTun60 Torrance, California
UserPic for BeerChalice60 BeerChalice60 Terrace, British Columbia
UserPic for Civedi Civedi Italy
UserPic for bammie7 bammie7 Alabama
UserPic for ResinousMeister63 ResinousMeister63 Hyderabad, India
UserPic for Dan1el Dan1el CDMX, Mexico

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