RateBeer European Summer Gathering 2016: Proposals and Voting

Reads 5242 • Replies 31 • Started Tuesday, April 19, 2016 1:23:06 PM CT

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beers 33821 º places 1204 º 03:45 Thu 4/28/2016

Hi guys. It’s a very close vote and I’m just checking the count with Chris. Will get back to you asap.

beers 20020 º places 321 º 17:35 Thu 4/28/2016

Tension is certainly building...

beers 74289 º places 712 º 01:26 Fri 4/29/2016

Originally posted by Benzai
Tension is certainly building...

and building .........

beers 33821 º places 1204 º 03:35 Fri 4/29/2016

Hi guys.

Alright, Chris and I have counted the votes and the location for RBESG is...


Thanks for your patience. It was the closest vote I’ve seen (each vote really mattered) so wanted to ensure we didn’t miss anything.

Also, big thanks for the efforts in putting together the proposals. Bratislava looked great, so hopefully they will submit again in the future.

(As an aside, now that Europe has so many great up and coming beer destinations, perhaps it’s time we start considering a winter Gathering? In the US they do both summer and winter.)

I will leave it up to the Barca organisers to start a thread for their event. I would recommend they start a thread so people can commence with making travel plans and general event discussion; it’s a good way to convey information to interested parties.

In the interest of full disclosure, I will note that neither Chris nor I voted as neither of us is certain of our our ability to attend; as such, neither of us had an inside impact on what was a close vote.

Cheers all!

beers 16726 º places 323 º 04:29 Fri 4/29/2016

Dammit, guess I won’t go this year.

Stupid half year report that has to be done that week.

beers 15789 º places 335 º 05:29 Fri 4/29/2016

Congrats to Barcelona team.
Just for curiosity, could we perhaps know the numbers, please?

beers 3178 º places 117 º 06:53 Fri 4/29/2016

Great, I’ll start the new thread.
Thanks Leighton and Chriso for everything.

beers 7540 º places 736 º 08:58 Fri 4/29/2016

Originally posted by Leighton
(As an aside, now that Europe has so many great up and coming beer destinations, perhaps it’s time we start considering a winter Gathering? In the US they do both summer and winter.)

Don’t think I would have been able to attend either of the RBESG options but I’d be very much up for a winter jaunt to Bratislava. I’m sure that the excellent Bratislava proposal could be easily adapted for winter. Barcelona also looms large in my "must-visit" list but probably as part of a longer Spain trip and it just wouldn’t fit in with the RBESG dates.

beers 40899 º places 1239 º 10:41 Fri 4/29/2016

Originally posted by Cuso
Congrats to Barcelona team.
Just for curiosity, could we perhaps know the numbers, please?

And well done on your proposal ... one of the best put together and well presented bids I’ve seen including the main US winter and summer gatherings.

I would have voted for yours but simply can’t do that particular weekend and as such I didn’t vote.

Please hold this one back ready for next year or perhaps a winter gathering if the schedule works.

beers 55614 º places 43 º 13:00 Fri 4/29/2016

I am in Barcelona that particular weekend and am really looking forward. Bratislava I need to visit again soon.
