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Four Peaks Double Knot

Brewer: Four Peaks Brewing Company (AB InBev)
Style: IIPA DIPA - Imperial / Double IPA
Alcohol Content: 9%
Seasonal: Special

Why Double Knot for a name? Well, it’s essentially a double Hop Knot. Now does that mean we just went and doubled the alcohol content? No, but close; Hop Knot is around 6% and Double Knot is around 9%. So, did we double the hops? Well, yes! We did! Hop Knot uses around 3.5 lbs per barrel and Double Knot is around 7.5 lbs per barrel (Okay, a little more than double, don’t sue us). That’s really the main difference between the two; slightly higher alcohol content and twice the hops. But what a difference if you’re a true hop-head.

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