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Upright Oyster Stout

Brewer: Upright Brewing
Style: Stout - Flavored / Pastry
Alcohol Content: 6.25%
Seasonal: Special

Collaboration with Jason McAdam. A distinctly full-bodied and creamy stout with a touch of brine on the finish. The "base" beer is a strong (medium strength by most standards, 16.6 plato) stout. We used chocolate wheat instead of the usual barley version along with a pinch of rolled rye. In the end we decided to add roughly ten gallons of oyster "liquor" that Jason picked up fresh from the coast off a train. We didn’t want to brew an oyster stout without any oyster meat though so we also picked up eight dozen DeCourcy oysters from B.C. and cooked them during the kettle boil. After eating all the wort-soaked meat we cleaned and saved the shells to add later to the beer, post fermentation, like dryhopping.

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