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Destihl Saint Dekkera Barrel Reserve Sour: Brown Ale

Brewer: Destihl Brewery
Style: Sour / Wild Beer
Alcohol Content: N/A
Seasonal: Special

Our complex, Belgian-style ‘wild beers’ are aged for several months or even years in our oak barrels. Each barrel contains a different base beer (with distinct color, flavor, body, alcohol, malt and hop character) which undergoes spontaneous and prolonged fermentation with wild critters including Brettanomyces, which is a non-spore forming genus of yeast which lives on the skins of fruit in the wild. The genus name Dekkera is used interchangeably with Brettanomyces and was discovered at the Carlsberg brewery in 1904 by N. Hjelte Claussen, who was investigating it as a cause of spoilage in English ales but which is appreciated and encouraged in certain traditional Belgian-style ales

BARREL #4: Brown Ale

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