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Yeastie Boys Her Majesty 2010

Brewer: Yeastie Boys
Style: Belgian Ale - Strong Dark
Alcohol Content: 7.5%
Seasonal: Special

Her Majesty sits somewhere between an Abbey Dubbel and a Belgian-style Strong Dark Ale... or, perhaps, a Belgian Bock! Maybe a Belgian-style Imperial Brown Porter or a Belgian-style Untraditional Scotch Ale? It is what it is. Dedicated to Fritha Burgin and Anna Possenniskie, two women who are an integral part of Yeastie Boys, and to all the hardworking women who are directly or indirectly involved in the craft brewing scene in New Zealand. 7.5%, 23ibu, dark as sin... with chocolate, fruitcake and hints of incense, cardamom and myrrh. Beware: this beer is so unhoppy that hopheads are advised to seek medical advice before consuming.

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