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Hallets Real Cider (Bottle - 6%)

Brewer: Blaengawney Cider
Style: Apple Cider
Alcohol Content: 6%
Seasonal: No

Available in 500ml bottles. This is NOT the canned version at 5%, which has its own listing. Note: The draught version is still and has a separate listing. This is our bottled cider which is medium and slightly sparkling. It’s made with a blend of vintage cider and new juice which produces an intense flavour. Hallets Real Cider is produced by hand at Blaengawney Farm using a blend of Welsh cider apples. It is made using both the traditional fermentation method, with the addition of juice which is fermented using a rarely applied method called Keeving. The result produces a sweet, rich juice and unique Welsh cider which has its own subtle texture and unique taste. Once blended, it is matured, bottled and stored for a minimum of 3 months, allowing a natural conditioning to occur.

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