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Kormoran Podpiwek Warmiński

Brewer: Browar Kormoran
Style: Low / No Alcohol Beer - Dark
Alcohol Content: 0.5%
Seasonal: No

This product is for those who for some reason they can not afford at the time of alcohol consumption, and are eager to wysączenie ruby beverage with foam. The production technology is identical to drink the beer with the exception of one step: fermentation takes very little time. In these unfavorable conditions, the yeast is capable of producing up to 0.5% alcohol, but we manage to imbue naturally carbonated beverage. Podpiwek Warmiński is an excellent isotonic drink contains vitamins and minerals, brings energy. Quenches thirst perfectly complements the micro and macro, provides energy. Excellent after physical exercise, to improve mood and well-being. * Ingredients: water, malt barley flour (Pilsen, caramel, roasted), sugar, hops, yeast * Method of cooking: traditional * Pasteurization: Yes * Genre: malt beverage * Alcohol content: 0.5% vol. * Color: dark cherry-brown * Shelf life: 3 months * Packaging: 0.5 liter returnable bottle

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