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Pretty Things Lovely Saint Winefride

Brewer: Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project
Style: Bock - Dunkler Bock
Alcohol Content: 7%
Seasonal: Spring

A Brown Lager. The lager, yes lager, started out as an idea to create a very rustic beer with a roasted character and a brown disposition. We imagined a pre-Great War sort of beer that might have been on its last legs of popularity. The kind of beer young folks of the time would laugh about as being “an old man’s laberbier”. Well Pretty Things is the old man’s dream beer brewer, so we thought we’d give it a whirl! We started with malted barley and hops from the German tradition and employed a single decoction mash. Decoction is a slightly complicated, time intensive and little used technique (on this continent anyway) that insured temperature certainty in the age before real temperature control. Got it? Okay, that was a boring explanation. How is this: we took a portion of the mash and boiled it at 212 for 15 minutes. Trust us, boiling a mash is rare. Dann has only done this once in his twenty year career (on purpose anyway). Ahem. Watching a mash boil is a bit like watching a house burn down – it’s goes against you instinct and it appears that all is a loss. Thankfully that’s not the case. Fermentation lasted quite a long time at temperatures as low as 52 degrees Fahrenheit and then a continued lagering was applied afterwards. Total time in the tanks? How about 55 days? That’s a pretty respectable lager, with the yeast continuing to do their thing well into the new year.

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