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Meantime Union

Brewer: Meantime Brewing (Asahi)
Style: Amber Lager - International / Vienna
Alcohol Content: 4.9%
Seasonal: No

330ml bottles and Keg. Formerly known as Meantime Vienna. Also includes Cascade hops as well as those mentioned below.
100 years ago Pilseners, Müncheners and Viennese lagers formed a trio of major lager styles brewed in central Europe. Gradually the lighter Pilseners swept all before them and Vienna style beers fell into an undeserved decline.
Traditional Bavarian Perle and Spalter hops and delicately coloured malts produce a deep copper coloured beer with a firm fruity caramel aroma, a smooth complex malt character and a long crisp clean finish. This beer is slow fermented and cold-matured over long periods to ensure perfect balance and gentle natural carbonation. Union goes with bread and wheat based foods such as pizza and pasta or more mid-weight dishes like duck or noodle stir-fry.

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