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Celt Experience Silures

Brewer: Celt Experience
Style: ISA - Session IPA
Alcohol Content: 4.6%
Seasonal: No

Cask, keg & bottle; Regular.

A powerful and deep bodied pale ale with a fruity spectrum of aromas. This robust beer is brewed using a balance of flavour malts and Pacific and Alantic hops, the result is a massive dry-hopped beer with a perfect profile of bitterness, sweet vanilla maltiness and a blend of citrus passionfruit and mango on the finish.
The beer is named after a powerful and warlike tribe of ancient Britain, occupying approximately the counties of Monmouthshire, Breconshire. The Silures made a fierce resistance to the Roman conquest about AD 48, and it remains unclear whether they were actually militarily defeated or simply agreed to come to terms with the Romans!

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